Victor received his call and after some dialogue, he dropped the call, appearing more distraught. All I heard him respond was: 'Yes sir!'.
 "Em...Vic, what's the matter? Who just called you now?" I interrogated.
 Victor gave me an uncertain stare.
 "Well, I just received the news that my course would take longer than I had expected because admin had just recommended me for a position higher than the one earlier stated." Victor replied.
 "Okay??? How long are we looking at now?" I anxiously asked.               "Hmmm...say....Two years" Victor responded.
"What!!!!" I exclaimed out of my mixed emotions. Yea, I know,it was suppose to be a very good thing for Victor(higher promotion and all that) but Two years!!? What was I to be doing while he was away for that long?
I guess even the program Vic secured for me would have been over by then.
 All these were things that flashed through my mind while I sat stone cold on the couch.
 "Listen, Vic. I am sincerely happy for your progress at work but what do we do now, I mean, about us? Two years??" I said.
 "Listen girl, God is still in control, we are still in his will..
Two years is not forever. We will find a way around it...
Let me get to the training ground first, observe the situation, then we will take it up from there." Victor replied.
 I breathed down heavily, like I wasn't still sure how Victor's absence would affect us, still I had to come to terms with the pending reality that was starring us at the face.
 "I will have to take Tamela along with me so I could drop her at the family house, there I know she would be safer" Victor added.
I nodded in affirmation.
 I stayed behind for some few more hours then Victor drove me home.
He seized the opportunity to say 'Hi' to my parents who were home by the time he came.
The house was filled with signs of preparation for my sister's Birth celebration.
 After few chats With my parents, I walked Victor down to the car, at least to bid him farewell on his trip.
I could hardly hold back my tears, I was literarily shivering... My best friend and Fiancé was leaving me for a while... that emptiness was so real..the void became even more hollow as we stood together and he starred at me again and again, just holding my hands and trying to console me...
 "Listen Trish, I Love you so much.
I'm committed to this relationship, I'll keep in touch, I'll call, I'll write, I'll text, okay?before you know it I'm back.
Just keep on in faith." Victor said.
 "Hmmm" I said as I nodded. After a while, Victor got into his car.
 I just stood and watched as he started the car to leave. This time more tears rushed down my eyes uncontrollably.
 I thought to myself, the earlier I left, the better for me so I turned to get inside the house when I heard Victor calling me from the car.
 I turned back to respond when he reminded me:
 "You forgot to take that guy's number"
Of course, I knew he was referring to Kunle.


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