Then I observed that Zainab was not so comfortable with Tina's presence hence I asked Tina to help check if the canopies for the party had been delivered.
 "Zainab, what favor?" I pressed on. She adjusted a bit. "Em...right now, I and my husband are not in a good place.
 All the noise you heard last night, were sounds of his violent act.
He tried to shoot me and my baby and so I had to run for my dear life.
 He has grown even more violent these days. He had to hit my head on the wall several times last night before I was lucky enough to hit him with a sharp iron I managed to pick on the floor. This enabled me to escape so I want to ask you for a favor."
Zainab said.
 I stared at her in awe, more like in awe of her story.
I could not even wait to hear what this favor was all about but one thing I was sure of was the disgust I felt for the kind of man who could make a woman go through such 'horror'.
 ''I'm listening'' I said.
 "Please, can you adopt my child?" Zainab responded.


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