"Hello sir,...yes sir...right away sir...we are on our way..yes sir" One of the men had replied over the phone. He beckoned on the second guy to follow him immediately.
"Anyway, madam we have an emergency, please you and Oga, take good care of your baby oo...you know, these days, there are so many child traffickers.
 "Ooo..k sir, we will, let's not delay you. Here, take, for small Kola" Kunle immediately responded as he handed some crispy notes over to the uniformed men. Both men were all smiles and waved with dexterity as they walked back to their Van and drove away. To sat the least, I was so surprised at Kunle's gesture but of course, it was quite apparent that he had averted any form of suspicion.
 "You see, this is the reason for my suggestion to report to the police station as soon as possible." Kunle emphasized. I sighed some form of relief once we had moved away from the entire scene. For once, I had my heart in my mouth.
 Kunle drove slowly while he put on the stereo. Darwin Hobbs song filled the air and I nodded gently to it, more out of relieve and for the fact that it happened to be one of my favorite songs. I wished in my heart that the entire baby issue would be over.


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