Quickly, I opened the flask just to check the warmth of the food. Satisfied, I closed it and placed it on the dining table. Moments later, Victor returned. "Good morning Victor, are you okay? Your sister informed me that you've been purging..." I asked immediately. Victor slowly sat down and gave a sigh of relief. "Yea.. But I think I'm done now. I observed I'm better now. I think it's the sandwich Tamela made for me..not quite sure, maybe it's the mayonnaise" He responded. 'Poor Victor' I thought to myself. Even his sister failed to tell him about the vinegar! "Well, I guess by now you should be hungry.. Come and have some food. I made you your favorite dish, Yam and Pepper Soup." I beckoned. Then, there was a smile that lit up Victor's face, just like someone who just won a jackpot.. He moved quickly to the dining table and impatiently opened it. "Hmmm...sure smells nice...wow! Trishia, you even added snail!" He said as he reached out for one of them. I just smiled while he continued eating. Well, I was so delighted to watch him eat while I ceased the moment to appreciate him. "Vic, I received the message you left last night.I really really don't know what to say, I'm so grateful..sorry, I did not make it home early.." I managed to speak, not knowing what response to get. Victor kept on eating and it took him quite some time to respond. "Sweetheart, you know, staying out that late is not so ideal for a woman.. More over, you should also know that the roads are not that friendly such odd hours.." He finally spoke. "Yea, just that I and Sade had some important issues to discuss..." I responded. "Exactly my point! a friend like Sade should not encourage late nights..." Victor responded abruptly. Somewhere deep within me, I kind of sensed the direction of our discourse thus in other not to complicate issues, I decided to just allow him enjoy the remaining part of his meal.

It was Victor. He was still on his Pyjamas and looked rather drained out, obviously from the purging. He had come downstairs and met both ladies.
 "Oh well! I can see you've met my sister, Tamela." He said with a weak smile as he sat on the couch adjacent to ours.
 I noticed he hardly could even rest on his back.
  "Yes, brother, we have been getting acquainted for the last few minutes. I must say, your fiancé is very cute.
I really like her, she will make a good sister-in-law." Tamela said excitingly, still chewing her carrots.
 The crunchy sound of those carrots she constantly made was a bit annoying but I guess Tamela cared less.
 "Good to know, you're both getting along, excuse me while I use the gents" Victor said as he hurriedly stood up.
 I had hardly even said 'Good Morning'. Other than the purging, I had this awkward feeling that Victor was trying to avoid me.
  "So, is this food for him?" Tamela continued talking as she refereed to the food flask.
  "Yes, I actually felt he would need some breakfast" I replied.
 "Sure, he will ooo..with all this purging..eyah! I actually feel bad sha oo because I just forgot that he reacts to vinegar..."
Tamela responded.
  "Vinegar???" I thought to myself..
 "Did you add vinegar to the sandwich?" I asked curiously.
 Tamela gave me a surprising stare.
 "Of course! Don't you like it on your sandwich too? Hmmm...don't tell me you've never tasted sandwich with vinegar? Then you have been missing...I personally love it...
 Why don't I get you some?" Tamela said eagerly.
 "I would rather die" I thought to myself.
 "You know what? Maybe some other time...I  have actually had breakfast" I responded quickly.


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