"Okay, I will be downstairs,shortly" I replied.
 I actually wasn't in the mood for anything bogus so i decided to wear a simple tight fitted velvet knee-length gown. I carefully wrapped my hair into one pony tail.
 I went for my 'one- million dollar' perfume, of course with a blend of 'Davidof'.
I took a glance at my standing mirror and checked out myself from all angles, I just knew that a low sandal would crown it all.
   I finally made up my face, lightly.
As I headed downstairs, I still wondered who my guest could be. Well, I was about to find out, I thought to myself. However, whoever it was, I was very sure, I would make a good impression.
 There was already soft music playing at the background, the type that definitely would put one in a celebration mood.
 Mum's guest were already arriving and trust her, she was all set to welcome them. My eyes were really trailing out for my guest, not still quite sure if I had any idea who it might be, I decided to just engage myself with some little finishing touches on the decorations pending when I find out who this person was.
 As I straightened out some of the ribbons on the center table, my eyes caught Zainab standing opposite a man who had held her baby closely.
 They seem to be chatting. For a while my mind wondered if her husband had finally traced her down to the house.
  'Well, there might just be some light at the end of the tunnel after all' or so I thought!
 I decided to at least, go ahead and say 'Hi'. I moved closely and alas,
 Who did I find out the man to be?
Hmmm..I bet you couldn't  imagine!


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