"Madam, comport yourself, otherwise we would be left with no choice than to inject you" One of the nurses said.I paused for a while and turned to her direction.
 "Do you really want to inject me? Then go ahead!" I screamed again, this time even louder. I guess the nurses did not see that coming. Kunle, then decided to intervene.
 "Trish, what is wrong?" He asked cautiously. I starred at him for a while before I replied.
"...Don't ask me what is wrong! You plan on taking the baby away..
" Yes, to a safer and secure place..I thought that's what you wanted.." Kunle interrupted.
"No! No! Never!" I screamed again.
"Okay, no problem, just calm down" Kunle said as he attempted pulling me out from the firm grip of the nurses and as he drew closer, I pounced on him..
At this point, the nurses pulled me away and the last thing I could remember was an injection pierced through my skin. *********************Few hours later I woke up to a very strong headache and slight cramp on my shoulder.         Slowly and gently, I managed to turn to my left side and lo and behold, who did I see?


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