I actually thought it was as a result of network failure but was I so wrong because my phone rang again and when I picked up, the call was dropped again. I thought to myself, probably some little kid was just playing prank. I decided to ignore the next incoming call. It was very difficult to concentrate while my phone rang out loudly. When I couldn't ignore the call any more, I reached out for the phone and angrily I wanted to express my displeasure at the caller, then a voice spoke: "Hello, is that Madam Trishia?"
Showing posts from February, 2016
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My parents went along with Doctor. I wondered what the reason for seeing my parents could be. Meanwhile, I felt Kunle had taken so long wherever he might have gone to. My phone then, rang. I searched through the number and noticed it was a hidden number. I was a bit reluctant to pick the call but after much curiosity, I decided to receive the call. I cleared my throat frantically and adjusted my posture in such away that appeared like I was about to give an important speech in a large hall. "Hello" I finally uttered. Silence followed and the call was dropped.
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"em..Kunle just stepped out..but not to worry, the situation is under control. All you need to do now, is relax. That last clause by my mother made me feel very uneasy. I know my parents, they could be very patronizing and when they are like that, something always follow. The Doctor walked in with some prescriptions. "Well, Miss Trishia, I would seriously advise you slow down on everything. You were actually hysterical a while ago, if not controlled, you might completely loose your mind" The Doctor addressed. For all the care in this world, I couldn't be less perturbed as long as the baby was fine. I guess I was just coming to terms that maybe I did not have the heart to let the baby out of my sight. My heart had become fond of her. I just realized suddenly that I wasn't ready to let the baby go through any more torture, in fact, I had made up my mind that I would keep her, any how, whatever propelled such courage, don't ask me. "So Doctor, when can w...
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I turned around and realized it was mummy. I guess her intuition had informed her of my whereabout. "Mum, what's really happening?" I asked with so much confusion in my head. My mum slowly moved me away from the scene and we got back to my ward. "You see Trishia, the baby will be fine. All you need to do is just calm down. The Doctor said you are being hysterical and that does not do well for you at present considering that you have typhoid" Mummy said. With all Mummy had said, I still felt there was something amidst. The baby wasn't looking too well from all indication and if my logic was right, what I saw out there, appeared more serious than I had imagined. "Trishia, you need to focus and realize that it is better to do the best thing for that child. How long will you cater for her, you have a life of your own" My Dad added. I looked earnestly for Kunle, I just remembered. "Where is Kunle?" I asked.
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Of course my parents! Little did I know, they had been sitting there the entire time. I was dumbfounded. "Mum, dad, what happened?" I asked The entire picture painted to me was quits disturbing, I had no slightest idea that I had put up such a 'Show' to the extend of being knocked out with an injection. I wondered what must have really happened to me! My mind soon drifted to the baby Once again, this time around, I simply just stood up and reached out for my slippers. "Darling, where are you going?" My mum asked. I knew I has to hurriedly come up with something to sway their minds from my plans. "em....I really would love to.....use the bathroom" I replied with a charming smile. Quickly, I headed for the children's ward but this time, more cautiously. I hid behind a curtain in order not to be seen. I peeped through a metallic door into the ward and there, I saw Zainab's daughter laid on a bed with a pipe running through her chest dow...
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"Madam, comport yourself, otherwise we would be left with no choice than to inject you" One of the nurses said.I paused for a while and turned to her direction. "Do you really want to inject me? Then go ahead!" I screamed again, this time even louder. I guess the nurses did not see that coming. Kunle, then decided to intervene. "Trish, what is wrong?" He asked cautiously. I starred at him for a while before I replied. "...Don't ask me what is wrong! You plan on taking the baby away.. " Yes, to a safer and secure place..I thought that's what you wanted.." Kunle interrupted. "No! No! Never!" I screamed again. "Okay, no problem, just calm down" Kunle said as he attempted pulling me out from the firm grip of the nurses and as he drew closer, I pounced on him.. At this point, the nurses pulled me away and the last thing I could remember was an injection pierced through my skin. *********************Few hours...
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I was left between the devil and the deep blue sea..my options were really getting to me. Suddenly, my impulse gave me away. I swiftly took off the drip on my left leg and ran towards the children's ward. Of course everyone starred at me like I've gone out of my mind. "Where is the baby!" I screamed hysterically. The nurses ran towards my direction and before I could say Jack, I was pinned down forcefully. I continued screaming while Kunle just starred at me. By now, I know he was really confused.
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I grew up in a"planned" family, i.e, my parents had in mind what they wanted each of their children to become. I tried hard to be different... I wanted to study theatre arts or law, but I guess my dad wanted Engineering and my secondary school didn't help matters- Because I had an amazing Junior WAEC result, my school automatically placed me in science class. I struggled through and eventually found myself studying Computer Science and Engineering at the prestigious Ladoke Akintola University of Technology, Ogbomoso. At that point, I was beginning to have control over my own life. I knew what I wanted to become.I knew programming or engineering was not my thing at all,but I had a major limiting factor- FEAR. I was uncertain, I didn't want to fail...but during my final year, I decided to start. So, I would take up free MC Jobs in Lagos and use my money to transport myself to and fro. My First wedding MC job was at Oyo state in 2009 and it was a comple...
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Okay! Readers and friends, while having fun with our stories, EEU Blog has introduced yet another feature: 'MY GIFT AND MY STORY'. This feature will present Men and Women who are living their dreams and passion and would love to share all sides of their Life story. We believe readers of EEU Blog would learn one or two things from these individuals and also get inspired. This feature will presented on the Blog on the 25th of every month thus our maiden episode starts today! Please meet Olusegun 'CHEGGON' Olaoke, the man of many colors, a motivational speaker, a singer, master of ceremony extra ordinaire and a life coach. He has a very inspiring story to share.
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"Trishia, I will keep the baby" Kunle said almost immediately. "You will what!?" I exclaimed "Let me keep the baby, my aunt stays with my mother, I believe she will be of great help, after all, at Sixty, she has no child of her own" Kunle said. Well, I don't know if I was to be impressed or scared at Kunle's suggestion. If anything, I wondered if Kunle understood the implication of his proposal. I was left between the devil and the deep blue sea..my options were really getting to me. " Suddenly, my impulse gave me away. I swiftly took off the drip on my left leg and ran towards the children's ward. Of course everyone starred at me like I've gone out of my mind. "Where is the baby!" I screamed hysterically.
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Of course, I felt awkwardly uncomfortable but I guess there was nothing I could do at that moment. I was very exhausted. "Yea, Kunle, I'm worried about the baby, I don't know how to protect her. Yea, I want to, but I'm handicapped. My parents don't welcome the idea of another baby in the house" I finally let out my fears.. For a moment, there was dead silence. I guess Kunle was short of Ideas or so I thought because the next thing that came out of his mouth left me dumbfounded.
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"...about you or the baby?" Kunle paused for a while before answering. "Of course, both" I answered impatiently. "Well....the baby was actually convulsing due to uncontrolled temperature. As for you, the Doctor said you have slight typhoid and that he would administer some drugs to you" Kunle responded. I gasped, 'typhoid?!' I never expected that, don't even remember when last I had fever, not to talk of typhoid! I just laid on the bed, closed my eyes and imagined what my world had turned out to be. Few weeks ago, I was just a normal girl, living a normal life and pursuing my Dreams until that night Zainab showed up! How was I to know that she had planned to disrupt my entire system after all, I only wanted to help. I began to imagine what Victor would think of this twisted development. My parents in the other hand were not expecting the baby back home. "Ohhh!" I screamed out of my thought while Kunle hurriede held me firml...
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Few days ago, we announced on EEU Blog that ADEMOLA was missing. Of course everyone including friends and family kept thier fingers cross, however, the search for ADEMOLA came to a halt when investigators found his body on a parked Train just about One mile from where he was last seen with friends. The train was not working as it was there for 4 days but the wires are alive. Cause of death is not yet known as they are still investigating. My friend and former course mate(A family friend to the deceased) has been updating me on this particular case and you can imagine what moment it is right now for the entire family. Well, we sincerely hope that no stone is left unturned to get to the root of the case. Our heart goes out to Ademola's family, praying that God gives them the strength to bear this great loss.
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"Trishia! Can you hear me?" I heard Kunle's voice again, this time, much louder. I turned to his direction and nodded my head to the affirmative. "Okay, I bought you some ginger drink and water, hope it does go a long way. The Doctor actually said, you will need lot of ginger in your diet. Kunle said. Okay, I thought to myself, "For whatever reason could that be?" "Thanks so much" I managed to respond as I took a bottle of water and gulped it all at once. Literarily. I was exhausted and began to feel quite some pain. The water was more like a life-safer for me. "So Kunle, what did the Doctor say?' I asked eagerly.
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It was serious pandemonium as Kunle and I rushed into a nearby hospital. Zainab's baby was convulsing. She was attended to by one of the Doctors who had hurriedly taken her to the children's ward. As we waited anxiously for the result, I wasn't sure if I was mentally drained or emotionally exhausted because by the time the Doctor had returned with the test result, I was a little drowsy and the last thing I could remember was me, collapsing! "Doctor, will she be fine!?" I overheard Kunle ask the Doctor. "Of course, she just need a little rest but I will like you to sign a relief document to enable us dispense some drugs. "No problem sir" Kunle responded. I was still feeling dizzy and my vision were blurred to a point that I could hardly place any figure right, however my mind went straightaway to The Baby "What could the result be stating" I thought.
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I pondered for a while with various thoughts filling my head. "Well, I guess I will try to explain the situation to my parents and try to persuade them to be a bit patient, hoping that Zainab changes her mind and eventually come for her baby" I replied. There was silence for a while. Kunle kept driving. Few minutes later, I noticed a swift like movement by the baby who was fast asleep in my arms. I observed for a while and took my eyes off her since I felt it was nothing serious, I thought probably, It was some kind of gesture. Less than some few minutes again, she moved more swiftly accompanied by a loud cry and by the time my attention was on her, I could not believe my eyes!
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Okay...I just got little bit hysterical, maybe a little off balance but what do you expect when a police officer tells you to manage a situation yourself, especially when you think they have the solution. I had been told by the police to wait for four weeks and if by that time, Zainab refuse to show up, I should report back with the baby Now, four weeks seem like four years. Definitely my world had just evolved. Baby food would now be top most on my shopping list, not excluding baby soap and medications. I guess we had stayed too long at the police station because by the time we got to Church, service was over. "So, what next!" Kunle asked frantically. Even I, did not have an answer to that question.
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It was a very long wait at the police station. We were meant to deal with various stressful protocols. I became so restless particularly as I was aware of the fact that time was no more on our side. I realize d that, the Thanks giving service might have been drawing to an end. After more protocols here and there, we were finally asked to see the Boss in charge! One would best describe the entire process as a great ordeal. Coming out of that station set more demand on me than I had ever expected. As I carried the baby on my arms, I soon realized that indeed, I was being faced with 'True life' situation of now being a mother! You want to know what the police said to me!? Hahahahaha....
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"Hello sir,...yes sir...right away sir...we are on our way..yes sir" One of the men had replied over the phone. He beckoned on the second guy to follow him immediately. "Anyway, madam we have an emergency, please you and Oga, take good care of your baby oo...you know, these days, there are so many child traffickers. "Ooo..k sir, we will, let's not delay you. Here, take, for small Kola" Kunle immediately responded as he handed some crispy notes over to the uniformed men. Both men were all smiles and waved with dexterity as they walked back to their Van and drove away. To sat the least, I was so surprised at Kunle's gesture but of course, it was quite apparent that he had averted any form of suspicion. "You see, this is the reason for my suggestion to report to the police station as soon as possible." Kunle emphasized. I sighed some form of relief once we had moved away from the entire scene. For once, I had my heart in my mouth. Kunle d...
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Unsure of my response, I began to clear my throat until I got choked up. "Madam, is everything alright?" The uniformed man enquired. I tried my best to avoid the 'obvious' answer, considering the fact that this child wasn't mine. I wasn't even sure about her mum's whereabout! So how was I going to pull this dicey situation through. I felt the anticipating eyes of both men as they waited patiently for me to stabilize. "I'm fine now, I just need some rest.." I replied nervously and grew short of words again. Then what seem like a miraculous intervention, happened. Both men picked up their cell phone which kept ringing non stop.
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"Trish, are you still with this baby?" Kunle exclaimed. "Yes, for now, I guess I'll be stopping by the police station after service to lodge a report subsequently. [L "I suggest we do that before we go for the Thanksgiving. Better now than later" Kunle suggested. I pondered over what Kunle had suggested and decided to succumb. "Alright Kunle, I guess you have a vital point but we must hurry down before the service ends" I said. "No problem" Kunle replied as he eventually opened the front door and beckoned on me to get inside. He had hardly started the car when a black van parked in front of the car. Two uniformed men stepped out of the car and moved towards our direction. I did not have a good feeling about it at all but still maintained my cool, somehow. Steadily the men walked towards our direction. By the time they reached where we were, there was this unusual smile on their faces. I became quite apprehensive and restless. "G...
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"Hello Trishia, I am just in front of your house, ain't you ready for the Thanksgiving?" Kunle replied. Now, at this moment, I became agitated. I wasn't really in my best element and I could tell when someone is really not welcome. Kunle did not just get it. "Why don't you just go to Church, you can always find your way, I thought Victor gave you the address?" I responded. "I just thought you would do with some help down to Church" Kunle said calmly. For some reason, I decided to give in to Kunle's offer but I knew I had to take the baby along so I hurriedly put myself and the baby together. In less than ten minutes, I was out of the house. "Good morning" I greeted Kunle. "Good morning Trishia. Wow! You look stunning" Kunle replied. "Thanks" I said. He had hardly opened the door when he realized I had carried Zainab's baby along, there was this look on his face!
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Ademola is actually from London U.K. He came to Chicago, Illinois,U.S to visit his cousin While on holiday at Illinois, he went out on Friday night to the club with friends and other cousins Saturday morning about 4.00am. When they were about to leave the club, Ademola requested to drive but friends refused because they were not comfortable letting him drive in the U.S considering where he was from. In anger, Ademola walked away and that was the last time he was seen! We urge anyone and everyone out there to please provide useful information once you find any.. Your help could help save a life. Thanks!
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All dressed up, I sat on my bed beside the baby and just stared in oblivion. It was fast becoming obvious that this baby had become my sole responsibility. My mind staggered towards the entire situation. While mask in my world of confusion, my phone rang. I soon realized it was Victor! My heart leaped... Slowly, I picked up the phone and waited a while for victor to speak and then there was an unusual silence......" Hello" I muttered, unsure of what was to follow. "Yea, is that miss Trishia?" An unfamiliar voice asked. I wondered why Victor would allow someone else to make use of his phone. "Yes, this is Trishia speaking, where is Victor?" I asked promptly. Another unusual silence followed before the person spoke again. "Well, I am Joel, Victor's friend. You might not know me that well because I'm hardly around. However, Victor asked me to wish you a happy Thanksgiving, he was just called to the creeks this afternoon for a short term auxi...
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I needed not to be told that daddy wasn't impressed. If there was anything daddy never appreciated, of course it was situations such as this: 'being kept in the dark for so long' "Look, young lady, I don't know the story behind this so called baby whatever you do, she must be returned, okay?" daddy said emphatically. Yea! That's my dad for you on a typical day; precise and and straight to the point But a little push might make all the difference for him to change his mind, however I knew this wasn't the time. I glanced at mummy to check on her stand on the matter. Obviously she seemed to have taken sides with her husband as she pacified him to calm down. Breakfast was over and my parents were in such a hurry for Thanksgiving service. "Tish, I guess you have to figure out how to manage this situation, we really don't want people raising eyebrows over this baby" mummy said. I tried to understand her statement. "Mum, are you suggest...
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"Yes mum, she left a note behind." I added. Daddy looked lost. "Please can someone tell me, who is Zainab? or I'm I the only one who doesn't know her?" Daddy exclaimed. [1/19, 12:56 PM] ejiro: At this point, I realized that mummy was yet to tell daddy of Zainab's presence in the house and I guess the news had only revealed things too soon. Mummy put on a forceful smile that was a mixture of 'uncertainty' and 'pretense'. "Em...my dear, I was going to tell you all about it but assumed you would be tired so I decided to wait till after the Thanksgiving service" mummy quickly said.
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[1/18, 7:51 PM] ejiro: There was a chill like wave that ran through me. Caught between confusion and dumbfounded ness, my tongue became stiff [1/19, 6:16 AM] ejiro: mention I had to brave up and acquaint them with the situation at hand. "Well dad, mum [1/19, 7:54 AM] ejiro: We have a new baby" I said with some sort of restrain. Daddy and mum glanced at each other in disbelief. "Trish, are you by any chance pregnant?" Mummy asked further. "...and who is the father?" Daddy extended. "No, I'm not pregnant. Mum, Zainab left her baby" I continued. [1/19, 10:29 AM] ejiro: "The same Zainab who has been in this house!?" Mummy exclaimed.
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My alarm rang continuously and this kept me on edge. It was already 5.00am and of course it was the Church's Thanksgiving. Zainab's baby was still asleep, peaceful as ever. It was quite surprising for me because I had always thought that babies of that age cry non stop, especially at the absence of either parents. I tried to get out of bed when I realized my phone was ringing. Hurriedly, I picked up the phone and realized it was Kunle.............Obviously, I sensed he was calling to remind me of the Thanksgiving service. I was at a loss to either receive the call or to decline. While contemplating, Zainab's baby yelled so loudly that I almost jumped out of my skin. Quickly, I rejected the call and attended to her. I checked her diapers and realized it was soiled. I decided to give her a bath. At this point, believe me when I say I had no idea 'What Next!" safe for the fact that I had to face my parents that morning.... It was quite quiet a...
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Tina handed the note to me. Curiously, everyone stared at the folded note, wondering what it was all about. I hurriedly opened it and what we read was very alarming indeed! Zainab had left a message indicating the need for her to do what is in the best interest of her baby by leaving her baby behind! She wrote that she was very sorry but had to take her chance. Zainab also indicated that her husband was bent on killing her and the baby....That was the end of the note. Kunle, Tina and I, stayed silent for a while, like we were all dumb founded. "Well, I guess at this point, the police should be alerted" Kunle said as he broke the silence. In my head, I was like: "Police!!!?" but I still reasoned with Kunle. Of course, nobody wanted to be accused of abducting a baby! "That can be done after the Thanksgiving service tomorrow" I replied. ...
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I hurriedly ran to attend to the baby. My mind at this point ran riot. The party was over, my mum had retired to their room after Dad had arrived home quite late from his long trip. Would it be in anyone's convenience to receive such news of Zainab, missing? Kunle and Tina had joined me in the room. "Is she okay?" Kunle asked as he fixed his eyes on the baby. "Yea, I guess she is wet" I replied as I noticed her soiled diaper. "Well, any diaper around?" Tina asked. Really I had no clue. I tried to think of something, then Kunle exclaimed. "That's a black bag, exactly the type I noticed Zainab had on her shoulder when I met her first." Our attention was on the bag and I wondered if one would be lucky to get any diaper at all? Hurriedly, i reached out for the bag and searched through its content and alas! there it was, a pack of diapers... This was such a relief for me. I picked out a single diaper out of its pack and ...
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Kunle was concerned and wondered if it were possible for Zainab to be missing. "Well, have you searched everywhere? At least for a clue?" Kunle interrogated. "Yes, I have..she is not in the house at all" Trishia replied as she grew more concerned. "I think we should inform your mum right away" Kunle suggested. Trishia hesitated for a while and considered Kunle's suggestion. "Tina, what do you think?" Trishia sought her cousin's opinion. "Well, I guess at this point, there is no better choice oo...let's inform your mum." Tina concurred. Suddenly, Zainab's baby cried out.
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[11/26/2015, 12:06 PM] ejiro: I gently placed the baby on the bed and decided to check around the house. Mummy and Daddy had retired to their room. I returned to the kitchen and inquired from Tina. "Tina, please, have you seen Zainab?" Tina expressed surprised. "Of course, she is still asleep in your room" She replied. I grew apprehensive! "....but I am just from the room and she isn't there. I have searched all over the house but she appears to be no where" I said anxiously. "So what do we do now?" Tina asked. Just immediately, Kunle stepped in and met us in the middle of our conversation. He had managed to tidy up but I guess he could read our countenance. "Thanks so much for the assistance but is there a problem? Kunle asked curiously. 'Hmmm...yea, Zainab is missing..." I replied with a little hesitation. [12/27/2015, 11:10 PM] ejiro: Kunle was concerned and wondered if it were possible for Zain...
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I paused for a while, pondering on Tina's question. It then occurred to me that maybe I had much more to handle than I thought. How long was Zainab and her baby going to put up with such torture and torment from her husband? "Well Tina I guess this is one of those cases mum can handle legally, after all, it's her jurisdiction" I replied. Suddenly, there was a knock on the kitchen door. Tina and I starred at each other, wondering who it could be. "Come in" We Chorused. It was Kunle! He had himself all soiled with the baby's poo! [11/5/2015, 3:51 PM] ejiro: Quickly, I took a break from my doughnut once i noticed what Zainab's baby had done and took her away from Kunle. "Please, where can I clean up myself?" He asked. "Just follow me" I replied as I led him on. Once I had helped him out with the bathroom, I attended to the baby. I gave her a cool shower and by the time I was done with powdering her all over, she had ...
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[10/30/2015, 8:22 AM] ejiro: Well, it was such a beautiful sight to behold. All the same I had the urge to handle the baby, myself. I guess this was a sign that I was getting attached to her already. [10/30/2015, 8:45 AM] ejiro: More so, I believed Kunle had overstayed his welcome but of course I had to keep that opinion within myself. I managed to see some of my guest off and then I just realized that Sade had disappeared the entire occasion. I pondered on where she must have gone to without even a hint! Suddenly, I longed for some of those Tina's doughnut, it had dawned on me that I had not even eaten all the while! [10/30/2015, 8:45 AM] ejiro: I dashed for the kitchen hoping I would be lucky enough to get some for myself [10/30/2015, 9:04 AM] ejiro: Hmmm..and there they were! more doughnuts. I sat on a small wooden chair and settled down to munch every bit of each doughnut I laid my hands on. [10/30/2015, 10:13 AM] ejiro: I think I must have gotten carried ...
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The party was almost drawing to a close. Everyone had enough to eat and drink and of course there was enough bonding time. Despite the drama that occurred outside, after Kunle had subdued Zainab's husband and was successfully handed over to the police, I led her to my room to further avoid more exposure. Thankfully I had found the last aspirin in my first aid box and I handed them to Zainab. She had eventually slept off. I wondered what more this husband of hers would do to her. While I almost got lost in my own thought, I just remembered that I had left Zainab's baby downstairs. Quickly, I ran downstairs, there, was Zainab's baby all over Kunle, laughing and restlessly playing on his shoulders.
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Those of us inside quickly ran out and I couldn't believe what my eyes were seeing at the moment. It was Zainab being held forcefully to the floor by her husband, almost strangling her to death. "You think you can just a bad in your home, right!!?" He yelled. He became more violent. At this point, Kunle suddenly ran towards him and gave him a hard knock in his left side and he fainted, releasing Zainab from his hurtful grip! Zainab gasped for air persistently. I quickly handed her some water to stop her from choking. Already, there was murmuring amongst the crowd.
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I really did not know what to make out of Sade's statement. If I never knew her, I would have just concluded that she was being satirical but for the sake of our conversation, I just decided to prove her wrong. "Of course, I'm done with Kunle, you of all people should know that" I exclaimed. "Hmm...Trish, your attitude says otherwise. You should be out there feeling normal if truly, you're cool." Sade pressed on. I could actually perceive the direction this conversation was heading for thus I straightened up and refreshed myself once more with a little 'City Girl' Cologne and was ready to join the celebration downstairs, this time more prepared to prove Sade wrong. We left the room and few minutes later, the entire house was full with guest. I observed Kunle had settled down very well and was chatting up with others. I simply joined mum in the serving room to get food served. Tina's doughnut was such a delight, everyone kept askin...
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"So how is that a twisted development?" Sade continued. "Listen Sade, I don't feel comfortable with his presence at this point, okay? I and Victor bumped into him and Victor has invited him to Church tomorrow but little did I know Victor had informed him about today's occasion" I said with some depression in my voice. Sade, immediately burst out into hysterical laughter. "Ehn-ehn? Wonders shall never end oo.. So why have you not told Victor about Kunle?" Sade responded. "Sade, Kunle is in my past" I replied emphatically. Sade stared at me mischievously. "Really? I don't think so, do you want me to be sincere?" Said Sade. At this point, I became very restless, not sure of what Sade was about to say, however she continued. "Trish, you haven't come over Kunle" She spilled out.
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I straightened up. "Yea, come in" I responded. "Hmm...madam, this one that you are here all by yourself. Wet in dey happen nau?" Sade said as she pushed the door open with reckless abandon. She had a leopard skin Dress on and looked all smashing with her bold earrings. "Sade hi, I thought you had forgotten all about today" I said, at least seeing my friend after a while. "How can? I've just been a little busy but not too busy to forget such a celebration ad this nau..Hmmm..I really give God the glory for your sister ooo, congrats once again" Sade said joyfully. "Thanks" I responded. "So, how far? I wasn't expecting to see you in your room by this time. Why are you not downstairs like everyone else?", Sade probed curiously. I took a deep breath without saying a word. Sade looked at me more intriguingly. " Trish, is something bothering you? Or you are missing your Victor?" She pushed furth...
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"Hello Trishia, wow! You look good. Congrats on your sister's bundle of joy" Kunle said with a smile. I guess I was still smitten by the entire development that my only response to Kunle was with a faint smile. "Well, Victor actually told me about the occasion and since tomorrow is your Thanksgiving in church which he has already invited me for, he also thought it would be a good idea for me to join the celebration here too" Kunle explained like he had the impression I needed an explanation. "Okay, you know what? If you could just excuse me for some few seconds" I managed to reply as I left him and headed for my room. Quickly I got in and flung myself on the bed. What seem like a rush of compulsive nervous breakdown took over me. I could hardly tell if it was more out of fear or uncertainty. 'What was Victor thinking?' I thought. He did not even acquaint me! Of course I would have objected. While my mind pondered on how to handl...
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There, standing, was Kunle. Yea! The same Kunle. To say I was bewildered definitely was to say the least. "Ha! Here she is." Kunle said immediately he had noticed my presence. "Oh! Trishia I was about heading upstairs to call your attention. Your guest has been here for a while" Zainab added as she excused us while taking her daughter away from Kunle. I just responded with a smile mixed with shock and surprise. When last I remembered, I had not even invited 'this guy' for the occasion and Victor had only just given me his number to call him as a follow up which I was still contemplating, so what on earth was he doing in my house!?
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"Okay, I will be downstairs,shortly" I replied. I actually wasn't in the mood for anything bogus so i decided to wear a simple tight fitted velvet knee-length gown. I carefully wrapped my hair into one pony tail. I went for my 'one- million dollar' perfume, of course with a blend of 'Davidof'. I took a glance at my standing mirror and checked out myself from all angles, I just knew that a low sandal would crown it all. I finally made up my face, lightly. As I headed downstairs, I still wondered who my guest could be. Well, I was about to find out, I thought to myself. However, whoever it was, I was very sure, I would make a good impression. There was already soft music playing at the background, the type that definitely would put one in a celebration mood. Mum's guest were already arriving and trust her, she was all set to welcome them. My eyes were really trailing out for my guest, not still quite sure if I had any idea who it might be,...
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I guess she sensed my withdrawal thus she decided to stretch the options. "...or, if you don't mind I would love her to stay with you for sometime while I sort myself out. I sincerely promise to return for her when I feel it is safe" Zainab emphasized. "Hmmm! how convenient' I thought to myself. " OK Zainab, just go in there, have your bath, then we will talk about this once and for all, okay?" I responded. "Alright" Zainab replied as she carried her baby along with her. * * * * * Most of the chairs and tables for the party were already set and it was almost time. Mummy had perfectly rounded up cooking and Tina was done with the doughnuts, indeed, they smelt really nice. I had to do some decorations myself and of course I knew I was pressed for time. I wasted no more time and got to work. Mum had requested for Baby-Pink and violet thus I carefully chose my other complimentary colors as backgrounds. I...
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I braced up myself to respond to Zainab's proposal but was soon distracted by her baby's enchanting smile. For some strange reason, I sensed a little conspiracy between these two. Yea, sounds a bit awkward but I still had my reservations. Yet, I failed once again to give Zainab a bold answer. "Hellooo...mum said I should tell you that the water is getting quite tipid" Said Tina, my cousin, she was referring to the water that was prepared for Zainab and her baby to shower. "Ohhh...OK..they will be in the bathroom right away, thanks" I replied immediately, making use of every chance to wave off Zainab's proposal. I guess she sensed...
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"Well mum, She found her way here last night" I said. Mum stared at me as if she had seen a ghost. "O-k-a-y...explain that to me" Mum replied. "Mum, her husband almost killed her and the baby last night. While shooting at her, she ran for cover and managed to get to our doorstep, though quite apprehensive, I still managed to open the door when I recognized her voice. Mum, she was even bleeding from her head" I explained in one breath. Mum immediately suspended scaling the fish and made her way out of the kitchen into the Living room, there was Zainab, attending to her baby. Mum rushed towards them with so much empathy. "Please dear, Good morning, how are you today? So sorry about last night. Trishia just told me everything" Mum said. "Hmmm, thank you ma. I'm also sorry to have bothered your home but I had no other place in mind" Zainab said shyly. "Oh no!! Don't apologize, it's Okay. Fortunate...
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"Well mum, She found her way here last night" I said. Mum stared at me as if she had seen a ghost. "O-k-a-y...explain that to me" Mum replied. "Mum, her husband almost killed her and the baby last night. While shooting at her, she ran for cover and managed to get to our doorstep, though quite apprehensive, I still managed to open the door when I recognized her voice. Mum, she was even bleeding from her head" I explained in one breath. Mum immediately suspended scaling the fish and made her way out of the kitchen into the Living room, there was Zainab, attending to her baby. Mum rushed towards them with so much empathy. "Please dear, Good morning, how are you today? So sorry about last night. Trishia just told me everything" Mum said. "Hmmm, thank you ma. I'm also sorry to have bothered your home but I had no other place in mind" Zainab said shyly. "Oh no!! Don't apologize, it's Okay. Fortunate...
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"Well mum, She found her way here last night" I said. Mum stared at me as if she had seen a ghost. "O-k-a-y...explain that to me" Mum replied. "Mum, her husband almost killed her and the baby last night. While shooting at her, she ran for cover and managed to get to our doorstep, though quite apprehensive, I still managed to open the door when I recognized her voice. Mum, she was even bleeding from her head" I explained in one breath. Mum immediately suspended scaling the fish and made her way out of the kitchen into the Living room, there was Zainab, attending to her baby. Mum rushed towards them with so much empathy. "Please dear, Good morning, how are you today? So sorry about last night. Trishia just told me everything" Mum said. "Hmmm, thank you ma. I'm also sorry to have bothered your home but I had no other place in mind" Zainab said shyly. "Oh no!! Don't apologize, it's Okay. Fortunate...
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Really, I did not know what to make of Zainab's request. I actually felt she must be asking the 'wrong person'! Me, Trishia, adopt a baby? Then, mummy called at me from the kitchen: "Trishia, we need to start decorating the chairs and table any time soon!" I hurriedly jumped up in order to meet her at the kitchen. "You know what Zainab? Let me just get some warm water for you and your baby and we we will talk about your decision" I said to Zainab. "Okay" She simply responded. As I got to the kitchen, I knew I had to inform mum about our visitors, Zainab and her baby but what I wasn't sure though, was whether to tell her about her request. "Gosh! It sounded odd!" I thought to myself. Well, I decided I was going to approach the situation with apt discretion. "Mum, Good morning and how was your night?" I greeted. "Oh, splendid! and yours?" Mum responded as she scaled through some fish for the barb...
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Then I observed that Zainab was not so comfortable with Tina's presence hence I asked Tina to help check if the canopies for the party had been delivered. "Zainab, what favor?" I pressed on. She adjusted a bit. "Em...right now, I and my husband are not in a good place. All the noise you heard last night, were sounds of his violent act. He tried to shoot me and my baby and so I had to run for my dear life. He has grown even more violent these days. He had to hit my head on the wall several times last night before I was lucky enough to hit him with a sharp iron I managed to pick on the floor. This enabled me to escape so I want to ask you for a favor." Zainab said. I stared at her in awe, more like in awe of her story. I could not even wait to hear what this favor was all about but one thing I was sure of was the disgust I felt for the kind of man who could make a woman go through such 'horror'. ''I'm listening'' I said. ...
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Not sure how to respond, I still returned a warm smile. Somehow, she had managed to slip down the couch while Zainab was still fast asleep. I had actually wrapped a soft bandage round her forehead the previous night and I noticed that the bleeding had eventually stopped. By this time, Zainab's baby was all over me and then I realized she was very hungry. Well, not willing to bother Zainab, I took some available cereal from the dining table and prepared some for the baby and I began to feed her. Tina had woken up already and I guess she was wondering by now where I would be so she came downstairs. "Good morning Trishia, look like we have company.." She said as she stared earnestly at Zainab and her baby. "Yea, we sure do. Could you please pass me some water?" I responded. Tina joined me in feeding the baby and before long, Zainab was up. "Good morning" She greeted. "Good morning Zainab and how do you feel today?" I replied. ...
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There, was Zainab with her baby strapped on her back. Zainab's head was dripping blood. She panted exhaustively and managed to utter some words. "Please, Trishia help me..." While she attempted to say more, she fainted. Well, quickly I dropped the knife on the dining table and dragged her in while shutting the door behind as fast as I could. I pulled out the baby to prevent further congestion on her weight. Miraculously, the baby was asleep, unperturbed. Gently, I placed the baby on the couch while shielding her on both sides with the little pillows on the couch. I ran to the bathroom to fetch some water and hurriedly returned to Zainab who was still on the floor. Randomly, I sprinkled some water on her head down to her feet. In about Five minutes or there about, Zainab was awake. She breathed with a sigh of relieve and yawned freely. To say I was scared, would be an understatement but once I saw Zainab gained conscio...
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My heart pondered very fast suddenly so I began to cough uncontrollably. "Oh, Darling, take some water. Is it the oil? Wow! Maybe I increased the fire.." Mum said as she hurriedly got to the gas cooker and lowered the fire. I seized the opportunity to get myself some chilled water from the refrigerator. "Are you okay now?" Mum asked. I nodded my head to the affirmative. I think some how, this little incident overtook the questions Mum had for me. The rest of the time was concentrated on getting the remaining food items prepared for the next day. Hours later, the beef and sausages were lying cosily in the deep freezer. My cousin, Tina had joined us and had all her ingredients gathered for the Doughnuts. "I think by tomorrow, I would have bought my special mix for the doughnut..I missed the woman today... I'll get there very early tomorrow morning" She said as she kept other ingredients in the refrigerator. "Weldone girls. Now we ca...
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Victor had successful made me store Kunle's number on my phone with the promise that I would follow up on him from time to time. For me, that was the last thing on my mind. There was so much to do back home. Preparation for Kate's celebration was on top gear, I joined mummy in the kitchen and of course as one would expect, she began her interrogation section. "So, Victor will be going away for sometime, ehn?" She probed. "Yes mum" I replied. "Hmmm, I guess you would miss him considering how long he would be staying" My mum continued. "Yea, I will..." I responded candidly. "Hmmmmm" mum mumbled. I definitely knew there was more coming. "So, any further plans? Like You know..." Mum pressed on. I sure understood what she was driving at but trust me, tagging along this line of discussion, meant forever! So tactically, I tried to change the discussion. " Mum, don't you think we should invite...
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Victor received his call and after some dialogue, he dropped the call, appearing more distraught. All I heard him respond was: 'Yes sir!'. "Em...Vic, what's the matter? Who just called you now?" I interrogated. Victor gave me an uncertain stare. "Well, I just received the news that my course would take longer than I had expected because admin had just recommended me for a position higher than the one earlier stated." Victor replied. "Okay??? How long are we looking at now?" I anxiously asked. "Hmmm...say....Two years" Victor responded. "What!!!!" I exclaimed out of my mixed emotions. Yea, I know,it was suppose to be a very good thing for Victor(higher promotion and all that) but Two years!!? What was I to be doing while he was away for that long? I guess even the program Vic secured for me would have been over by then. All these were things that flashed through my mind while I sat stone col...
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There on the floor, laid Tamela, foaming at both sides of her mouth, struggling for breath. "Tamela! Tamela!" I screamed with great fear. We rushed to revive her. Victor hurried upstairs to fetch some water and sprinkled some on her perspiring face. I managed to place a spoon in between her mouth, by this time, Tamela was shivering ceaselessly but gradually came to a halt as we managed to handle the situation the best possible way we could. Slowly, Tamela rose up, she starred at us for a while. "Oh my gosh! I feel so weak...I..I..." "You don't have to work yourself out" I interrupted. "All you need now is some rest, meanwhile I will get you some fruit drink" I added. "Okay, thanks so much, I appreciate and sorry for the mess.." Tamela replied. "Oh come on, not for you to worry dear, I'll clean it up" I responded as I managed to assist her to her room. Minutes later, I joined Victor at the living room. I...
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"Hmmm...that's nice of you Bro. I would really love to be there. Just when I was actually contemplating where to do my Thanksgiving. See, for sometime now, I've not been to consistent with my present place of worship due to some reasons but I have been praying I get somewhere to do my Thanksgiving this Sunday. Wow! This is really timely!" Kunle said excitingly. "Well, God never fails, He orders our step, so, You will be there on Sunday, right?" Victor emphasized with a smile. "Yes, definitely" Kunle replied. "Okay, can I get your name and number for now, you might want to keep in touch, just in case you miss the Directive" Victor said. "No problem" Kunle replied. I just stood still and really tried my best to avoid the roaming eyes of Kunle. For some reason, I guess he couldn't stop stealing glances at me. * * * * * * * * * Minutes later, Victor and I, were in the car. While he drove, he sang and whistl...
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I could perceive that Victor was bent on inviting Kunle. I even grew more apprehensive. Few seconds later, the Cashier appeared with Kunle behind her. "Here is the man who wants to see you, sir" She said, still smiling. For me, there was nothing to smile about, I grew very uncomfortable. "Yes sir, is there anything more you would need?" Kunle said courteously. "No, not really safe for you to attend our thanksgiving this Sunday, though, I will be traveling for a while but my fiancé here, will be around. I believe you will be richly blessed." Victor said as he handed him a Thanksgiving invitation card. Kunle received it and looked at it for a while. Quietly, I prayed he should decline and the next thing that came out of his mouth dampened my anticipation.
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Victor starred at me with this 'clueless' impression. I guess he was surprised at my response, to say the least. "Is there a problem with that?" Victor questioned. "Hmmm...I'm not sure he will have the chance to attend oo..." I replied. "Come on Trish...inviting people to Church should not be based on feelings or what we think... You can invite people to Church because you are also led by the spirit." Victor said. My head grew heavy with the thought of Kunle being reintroduced into my space...well..unknown to Victor anyway. All the same I had to act without suspicion and cautiously too. "Well, Vic, I won't stop you from inviting anyone you want to" I said submissively. We shopped for few more minutes and retired at the counter where Victor paid for our items bought thus far. "Please, may I get the attention of your Boss now?" Victor requested. "Oh sure, just give me some seconds." The cashier ...
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"Sorry Miss, this ID card dropped out of your bag. Is that your name on it?" The first Lady asked intently as she handed the ID to me. I carefully took it and realized it was actually mine. With a smile, I nodded my head. "Meaning you are the same Trishia Raymond who tried to steal Anwili's man...eh ehn? This is a small world ooo!" The second Lady added. At this point, I spotted a taxi heading my direction, I quickly beckoned on the driver... "Madams, I'm sorry, I really Dont get your point, I've got to go please, thanks, once again" I replied as I instructed the driver to move quickly. The 'Look' those women gave me still registers on my mind till this day. Well I managed to escape the Tsunami of curses that would have been rained on me but I couldn't stop pondering over what I heard the women discuss. I just wondered what had transpired between Kunle and his so called 'Fiance'. Of course my Friend Sade had he...
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Slowly, i deliberately hid behind one of the counters close to the ladies and acted like I was still going through their varieties. "So, that guy called Kunle jilted Anwili, last last? After everything?" The first lady said. "Na so ooo my sister!! Very stupid guy... I had always known he was up to no good.. I even heard he was dating one.....what's that her funny name again sef?..hmm....Kai!....what's that her name again oo!!??? ehen! Trishia! Only God knows where he picked her from...? Anwili, my niece had to warn her before she took off like a kangaroo running with her tail in between both legs!!" The second Lady said. "Upon all nko? Abeg, every woman must learn to have self respect and composition before any man" The first responded. "Well, you are right but how can you tell the good, bad and the ugly?" The Second Lady replied. "Hmmm...my sister! God will help us jare..." The first lady responded. Suddenly, I th...
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Trust me, you Dont want to know!! Well, as unbelievable as it appeared to be, getting over Kunle was one of the most difficult things I had ever had to deal with. It became so bad, that I had to go for counseling in Church. I was scheduled for a Two-Month program. I remember the exact words of my Pastor: "Trishia, God has not given us the spirit of fear, but of power, Love and sound mind. You feel discouraged and afraid of the future because you have lost someone so dear to your heart but remember, God makes all things beautiful in his time. Our ways are not his ways and our thoughts are not his so Dont be alarmed because God is not unaware of this incident. When things happen in our lives, God is not unaware.. Kunle is not for you" My Pastor had concluded. Trust me, I did not find those words funny then. Well, I had to move on with my life having successfully concluded my sessions. Barely a year after the mishap, one hot afternoon, I strolled into...
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Though, the voice wasn't that audible but I could still perceive some trembling tension in it. "Okay, my name is Anwili, Kunle's fiancé...please, I don't know the reason you are around him but I think I have spotted you twice in our church now and I think I have enough information about you already so if you don't mind, retrace your step because, trust me, you are really wasting your time Dear.. " The voice spoke so affirmatively. For a while, my emotions played tantrums. I wasn't sure whether to laugh or feel sorry for myself. At this point, I just dropped the call. I thought so much to myself. I pondered for a while over the possibility of being so oblivious of this reality!!! Kunle had a Fiancé? and he never told me? 'Wow!!!' I marveled aloud. Of course I confronted him and you won't believe what he told me??
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I actually met Kunle shortly after my convocation... I was in the company of my friends just generally basking in the frenzy of leaving school after four whole years. We were having some snacks and soft drink at the school's favorite Bar. Kunle had walked in with and elderly man whom I later found out was his uncle who turned out to be the owner of the Bar. My friends had actually requested that we go for more yam balls(by the way, yam balls sold at this Bar was just out of this world) so I opted to go for more. I got to the snack stand and was attended to, by Kunle. "Hi" He said quickly as he handed me my change. "Hello" I responded and we both smiled. Kunle had this charming aura that wasn't difficult to contact. I turned to join my friends but the next question from Kunle caught my attention. "So, how do you feel being a graduate?" He asked. "Hmmm....fulfilled and em...well...a little bit apprehensive, if I must b...
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It was Kunle! Yea, the same Kunle I mentioned earlier on, my Ex. I couldn't curtail my surprise. Obviously Victor had not noticed how surprise I was at the sight of Kunle. Kunle, on the other hand just smiled from ear to ear. "Yea, how may I assist you sir" He responded to Victor. "Yea, we just want to find out if you have the female collection of this perfume right here" Victor said as he showed him what he held in his hands. A bit distracted, Kunle starred at me for a while and managed to snap out of his distraction. "Oooh, sure! Come along with me..." He replied as he led us to another female section. I tried to stay at the back to reduce the tension that was apparently sprouting up. Hmmm...my mind wondered... I'm sure by now you must be wondering what really happened between me and Kunle... Okay, I remember I promised to share the story so here is what happened....
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I beckoned on Victor to check out what they had to offer. Indeed, it was breath taking... The store had varieties that covered every single range. I decided to check out the Ladies section while Victor branched at the male's. The list of items were endless..I picked every bit of my attraction without leaving any stone unturned. Suddenly, Victor called my attention to help him pick out some perfumes... These were equally nice I thought to myself so I decided to check out something similar from the female section but without any luck. Victor noticed the disappointment on my face thus he suggested we enquired at the reception desk. We noticed there was no one present but a young man who was busy at a corner, taking stock. "Excuse me sir..please can we make an enquiry?" Victor called out to get his attention. The young man immediately walked towards us and guess what?
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Yes, as an engineer, Victor was faced with the full responsibility of taking up assignments and quite a number of follow-up courses at work but I never saw this one coming. "A year and half?" I thought to myself. "Were they training him for a wold class assignment and I wondered when these will all end? I just had a strong feeling that part of the delay for us to settle down as a couple was contributed by such constant assignments. " Not to worry Trishia, I will be visiting and guess what before you know it, it's over. At least, let's look at the bright side, this means more promotion for me" Victor said as he tried to cheer me up. Seriously, I wished I shared his sentiments but I just felt I needed more of his time. "Moreover, you would also be busy with your training also" Victor added. 'Yeah, right!' I thought to myself. Like that was suppose to console me. Minutes later, Victor requested that we go shopping. That a...
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After the sumptuous meal Victor had enjoyed so well, I finally had his full attention. I ceased the opportunity to change our topic of discussion. "Vic, mummy will be organizing a celebration party at the weekend." I said excitingly. "Really?" So what's the occasion?" He asked curiously. "Kate has been blessed with a set of tripplet!" I said. "Wow! Awesome God! Hmmm..this is great news indeed" Victor responded with quite an eruption in his voice but what came afterwards was not so exciting for me. "Sweet heart, I'm so happy but you know, this weekend I will be away for some training at work" Victor said. "Training? ah!! I thought you just finished one course like that?" I said with panic in my voice. "Well, it's still connected. The course is an inter correspondence profile network data" Victor managed to explain. Whatever that meant, trust me, I had no clue. "So how long woul...