What appeared like a simple Joke eventually turned out to be more serious than my parents had thought. Literally, I lost my tongue. Do not ask me how because I really have no idea how that happened! It took quite some weeks for me to come by. I had actually taken refuge with Kunle! Yes! Kunle! Of course the same Kunle nau! How? and why? It was the only way I could get out of sight pending when all the crazy accusations by Zainab's husband died down. I was gradually coming out of my shock when my parents had to travel to Dubai for a case. Kunle had suddenly appeared and suggested that I kept myself away from the police and all for a while. I had no choice, in fact, that was about the best suggestion so far for me.To be candid, Kunle's place was very beautiful. I felt he must have spent a whole lot on the interiors. Of course as an artist, I could tell. His blend of colors spoke volume of his taste for bold Decors. Anyway, I somewhat felt at home.


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