GREEN LAND... Written by E PLUS The Storyteller. "You should have seen the way chief was looking at me last night? Emini said with so much delight. "Eh ehn! Like seriously? But...wait ooo what about his Olori?" Sofunmi replied. For a moment, Emini became quite upset, and she faced the other way. "What kind of useless question is that? I'm I the Olori's keeper? Is it my fault that her husband's eyes caught mine? Jor o!" Emini snapped. "Oya nau! Pele!(Sorry), mabinu oremi, jor!(Don't be upset my friend, please)." "Hmmm! Ko si wahala (No problem) meanwhile, what is this rumour that we are hearing about GREEN LAND?" Emini responded. "Oremi, if I tell you that I understand, I will be lying to you." Sofunmi exclaimed. "Hmmm.. this is serious o! So very soon, this oyibo people will take over our small community?" Emini exclaimed further. "Na so o! Not only that o .. they will turn this small communit...
UNRAVELING THE MYSTERY BEHIND MAJORITY, BECOMING MINORITY. October 21, 2019 brought about a completely different experience from what I’ve been used to all my life, regarding elections into political positions. I went by my son’s school to pick him up and saw people drive into the parking lot, and walked casually to cast their vote inside the school building without any fuss nor any extra attention paid to being keeping everyone (especially the kids), safe and secure; this was on a school day! It was truly satisfying to experience this, albeit passively, and I really look forward to partaking in a more active manner in the near future. Since it appears that the laws on immigration would likely be favorable for another four years, I had joined others of like interest and preference, to rejoice about the re-ele...
There will be people around you who need jobs, extra income, or want to help people around them up skill to be compliant with digital age. Here is good news! Good day my dearest Superstar. 😀 Did you know you can earn money online EVERY SINGLE day 🤔 by selling your knowledge/skills in form of Digital Products? 🤔 This is known as Digital Marketing. 👌 Forbes estimated that the e-learning industry will be doing $3 billion in daily sales by 2030. 🤩 It’s currently doing $1 billion+ daily! In 2023, Digital Marketing accounted for $363b globally. 😳 Really! Yes! Unbelievable! 😲 And all these came about because of COVID! Who would have thought? 🤔 ******************* It was the lockdown that made this happen. People started going online to learn new skills and how to get solutions to different issues. 👌 This created a demand which now led people to become creative and start providing solutions to people’s problems. 👌 These solutions are provided in fo...
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