It was like a very awkward moment because we remained in our very last position while trying to stretch ourselves. I really did not want to be the first to turn back neither did the Cab Driver. The car horn grew louder. I just thought within myself, at this moment,anything is possible, probably we had been traced by that woman. Suddenly, there was a voice from behind shouting: "Get out of the way, you two!!"
Showing posts from April, 2016
Well, it was no sooner had the driver made that suggestion when the alarm noise was followed by real ferocious Dog barking., I did not need anyone to ask me to succumb. I flew on his back and the next minute, we fell to the other side of the fence. Of course, the running continued, this time with more dexterity! We ran like never before, jumping over every rock, hill, just name it! We had ran several miles when it appeared like we were clear so we began to slow down. By this time, I was really thirsty. Just as we tried to catch our breath, we heard a car horn behind us!
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EJIRO EMENIKE UKAUMUNE: The man beckoned on the woman to follow him somewh...
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The compound appeared bigger than we had envisaged because the more we ran, the wider it grew. I was almost running out of breath. As we drew closer to the gate of the compound, I attempted opening it, then the unexpected happened, the alarm bell rang out so loud that I thought I had gone deaf! To say the least we were startled, astonished and overwhelmed. You know that kind of combination of feelings that leaves you panting with fear! We stood still for a while, thinking of what next to do.. "Madam, see ehn, no dulling ooo...I won jump this gate. You know say you big small, so just climb my back make we commit for here bad place we dey so!" The Cab Driver uttered emphatically. Nooo! He must be kidding me! Me, Trishia, climb whose back!?
The man beckoned on the woman to follow him somewhere in the eatery. "I'll be back, Okay!?" She said authoritatively. I just shook my head while the cab Driver opened his mouth in confusion. "Hey! Gbege! Madam, abeg nor vex wetin dey happen for here?" The Cab Driver asked. I believe he ought to have known that I was the wrong person for that question.. "I really don't know" I replied helplessly. The Cab Driver stood up and began to walk out of the eatery in a hurry, of course I joined him. Soon enough we were outside. We kept walking, No!,We started running as fast as our legs could take us.
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As soon as She saw him, she was all smiles. I guess he was the one she had been waiting for. He moved towards our direction and stopped at our table. " How long have you been here?" This young man asked..She searched her time. "Hmmm...Just an hour and few minutes" She replied. The young man starred at us like he was checking bout some commodities. "And these are...?" He asked the woman. She smiled. "Well I guess they can be useful" She answered. Believe me when I say, I had no idea what was going on again!😁
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She starred back at me like I was suppose to know. So, I wasn't so sure if I had offended her with my question, then I just decided to remain on my seat(Just like a kindergarten child who had been reprimanded) and wait patiently. By this time, the Cab driver was already asleep and he was snoring aloud. I had to push him slightly to caution himself. As we all seem to wait, a tall, dark,young man(in his mid 30's) stepped into the eatery. He had this charisma, the type that only one who is sure of himself can have.
EJIRO EMENIKE UKAUMUNE: Well, I never thought there would be a place like ...
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We had barely settled down when someone walked up to us to take our order. The woman ran her eyes through the menu and made her order, then she passed it on to me. must be kidding me, of course I was really famished and any attempt to be selective could ruin my appetite so I declined. "Thanks, but I can settle for any of your swallows" I said to the waiter. "Even me sef.." The Cab Driver added. I think he basically did that not to embarrass himself😊. The meal was sumptuous and words were not enough to say how grateful I was for this woman's kind gesture. Well, I assumed it was time to take our leave but I noticed she wasn't particularly in a hurry, at least not like someone who wanted to leave! "em...Ma, are we waiting for someone?" I asked curiously.
Well, I never thought there would be a place like that so close by. Appeared like she had been eating there for a long time. At the entrance, there were men and women who welcomed us with broad smiles. "Madam, good day" They all chorused and she smiled back at them. Okay, it was pretty obvious she also had earned the respect of the staffers. Gracefully, she entered, we followed behind. I actually had in mind that we wouldn't spend time at the eatery so I was very receptive to the whole idea
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The woman nodded her head in affirmation and just smiled. If I had my way, I would have hit that Cab Driver on his head. Imagine the way he just interrupted our conversation without even thinking. That was so classless, anyway, seems like the woman had no issue with two hungry people because the next turn she negotiated was a Fast-Food joint!
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"Do you care for food?" She said, almost like she popped into my thought. You know how these things are; if I say 'Yes', I might pass across as 'Too Cheap' and If I say 'No', trust me, I'll be seriously lying. "Madam, abeg we care oo...we really care" The Driver just jumped in unexpectedly.
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"Full tank" She said as she beckoned on the attendant. In about less than a minute, she was done. As she started the Van, the attendant handed her change to her but she declined "No, don't worry, keep the change, Okay!?" She said confidently and continued driving. At least, that was very generous of her and it spoke volumes of her kind of person. I could almost see the beginning of town and that meant one thing, we were close to our destination. Just as I began to adjust myself with a sigh of relief, then she asked the most unassuming question.
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To be candid, she wasn't particularly a careful Driver as much as she wasn't even slowing down but maybe that was even to my advantage because I wanted to reach my destination as fast as possible. As we approached s filling station, the woman slowed down. "Hello! Do you have fuel!" She asked "Yes ma" One of the attendants replied. Quickly, she moved into the station, brought out her wallet which was filled with so much currency, in fact I was very astonished to see that much. One could tell that this woman had money, whaaat!😱
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I stammered for a while, just trying to comport myself. "Madam, na motor spoil sef, I dey wonder how I manage reach here sef!?" The Driver responded quickly. With another swift glance at us, the woman asked us into the vehicle. Apparently, she had been listening to the radio. At this time, it was the song 'Hero' that was playing but I wasn't necessarily sure what version. She kept driving and as I stole glances at her, I observed she was a woman in her late forties. She had this 'unconscious' smile on her face that could pass for a scorn, kind of. Her very long, brown her was one of her strong features. She also passed for someone who would love jewelries cause she had on so many bangles and rings(at least three rings, two on the right, then one in the left). All along she kept clearing her throat like she wanted to give a first class speech, I wondered why she kept doing that?
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The van was driven so fast that it took me a lot of courage to beckon on it. I actually thought it would run me down. The driver on the other hand was just behind me grumbling about his stomach. Eventually, the van stopped. At least, it was such a relief to see that the driver was a woman! She bent over and looked at us carefully, then with a grin, she shook her head. Seriously, I had no idea why she did that but all we needed that moment was her help, that's all. "Please ma, could you kindly assist us into town!?" I pleaded. She smiled again. "How did you(people) get to this side?" She asked with a very deep voice that could pass for that of a man.
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Talking about hunger, I was also very hungry! "...but na you cause all this wahala. Why you no talk say your motor no good?" I said angrily as we kept on walking. "Madam, abeg no talk like that! With all the escape wey we escape from that Okada, you nor even thank me." The Driver responded swiftly. Seriously, I wasn't even in the mood to trade words, however I felt like venting my frustration on someone. We had hardly crossed a bridge when we saw a big van heading our way. For me, seeing this van in such a deserted place we found ourselves, was such a relief. I quickly waved my hands as a signal for help.
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🏃🏻🏃🏻🏃🏻🏃🏻🏃🏻🏃🏻 It was virtually two hours we had been trekking from where the driver left the car and still no sign of any landmark or known town. I began to wonder how far I was from the police station. The driver kept stealing glances at me and this made me very uncomfortable. "Driver, wetin happen?" I asked curiously. "Madam the Madam, I dey H..." The Driver said as he smiled sheepishly. Whatever in the world does that mean? I wondered. "Madam, I dey Hungry" He quickly added. I think he sensed I needed more clarification.
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🏃🏻🏃🏻🏃🏻🏃🏻🏃🏻🏃🏻 It was virtually two hours we had been trekking from where the driver left the car and still no sign of any landmark or known town. I began to wonder how far I was from the police station. The driver kept stealing glances at me and this made me very uncomfortable. "Driver, wetin happen?" I asked curiously. "Madam the Madam, I dey H..." The Driver said as he smiled sheepishly. Whatever in the world does that mean? I wondered. "Madam, I dey Hungry" He quickly added. I think he sensed I needed more clarification.
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The cab just wouldn't start, can you imagine? "Abeg Driver, na wetin dey happen nau?" I asked desperately, still hoping the car would start. The Driver kept concentrating on the car, he was really determined to start it but it soon dawned on us that we had to start looking for Plan B. At that moment, I really wished Kunle returned my call, why the sudden silence? "Madam, e be like say gbege don happen ooo" The driver said(anyway, more like an announcement). I did not even know what to make out of it and honestly, I cared less.
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"Madam, I say make you no vex na. I dey purge. Since yesterday, na so my belle dey pain me." The driver said. Then it just dawned on me that we were no longer being chased. Well, at least, the driver's gesture paid off. He adjusted himself before he entered the car. As I joined him, he attempted to start the car. I was anxious for us to leave immediately but the next thing that happened was unbelievable!
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Okayyyyy! I wondered what had just happened. "Driver, wetin happen? Why you stop!?" I said, trying very hard to hide my frustration. He hurriedly opened the car and hopped out like someone who had been seating on hot coal and ran as fast as he could into a nearby bush. Literarily, I was dumbfounded. It was ready five minutes and the driver was not out of the bush, yet. I began to panic. 'Was this some kind of Joke!?' I thought aloud. 'How was I to find my way out of this unusual setting?'. My thoughts went on and on. Suddenly, the driver ran out of the bush, panting like he had just gone through a marathon. I starred at him like some kind of mystery. "Madam, no vex" That was all he could say. "You must be kidding me! Sorry!? There must be some kind of explanation to this irrational behavior of yours!" I screamed without even thinking about it.
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As I sat down in the cab, I closed my eyes for a while, at least to regain my sanity. I had no idea where we were going. I heard not said a word to this man and he was already moving without direction. On the other hand, this 'Desperate pursuer' of ours was totally off the chain. I can't say if it was because of he heat of the moment, suddenly, the driver slowed down, negotiating another band. The driver parked well. Okayyyyy! I wondered what just happened😱
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I was really on edge this time and was really loosing my composure. "So Driver, where you dey go!?" I asked curiously. The Driver laughed hysterically without any form of definite reply. I remained quiet for a while still hoping to get a response. The driver kept on driving and of course, he topped his speed relentlessly. I decided to do something urgent about my situation. I picked up my phone and dialed Kunle's. Kunle's phone kept ringing but there was no response. Okay, I was wondering by now where he had dropped his phone, the last thing I needed was being stood up.
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...but the driver declined my instruction. "Driver, I said, Stop! Let me come out, abi?" I shouted, this time, more intensed. "Madam, I no understand you again ooo..First time you say make I carry you go for Police Station say person life dey important. Now, somebody dey pursue us, you come dey talk say make I stop, na wa to you ooo" The Driver began to complain. As he kept on driving, our pursuer grew closer!
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So many thoughts trailed my head. What if, our pursuer was Zainab's husband? He had always wanted to get me, like you all know by now. It was as if I was a chief protagonist in an action film and the villains were so numerous to put up with. I was fast becoming exhausted with the entire event playing out in my life. What was a 'girl' to do? "Driver, stop! Let me come out?" I said to the Cab Driver. He turned and looks at me, very surprised.
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I peeped through the mirror myself and alas! there was a bike trailing us, obviously the person on the bike was determined to get us by all means. "Em...driver, just concentrate...make we no loose focus, you hear me?" I said, trying hard to maintain my composure. Who could that be!? I pondered. The headgear, the bike rider wore l, made it extremely hard to know his/her identity. My driver increased his speed and at a point negotiated a turning. At this point, it became more apparent that the Bike rider was desperate. The Bike rider kept up the speed. It soon dawned on me that we were actually in danger!
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From the sound of what the driver said, his story stemmed way back and I wasn't sure if I had that patient. I had to play my last joker to get him out of there. "Driver, this police station wey I dey go ehn...if I no go, Hmmm...somebody fit waste oo and if e happen like sef no go happy" I said with a very sobber look. I guess I must have carried that role well because my very last phrase did the trick. The driver started the car and immediately drove off. Madam, just dey direct me" Hr said enthusiastically. Yes! We were on our way and by now I was less tensed. Anything to run away from that weird 'Amanda' or so I thought not until the driver announced: "Madam, e be like say somebody dey pursue us ooo, abi?"He said as he peeped through his mirror.
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"Okay, I will tripple your money" I offered. The driver shook his head vehemently like he wanted me to get his point. I could see Amanda stepping towards our direction with a sachet of pain killer in her left hand. She still got it despite the incident. I became anxious, of course I did not want her to meet up with me, though she had no idea that I has jumped into a cab but our spot very close. "Driver, what's your problem now? I said I will pay you well, ah!" I shouted desperately. The driver took a stare at me and smiled. "Madam, no be the money be the problem, I dey run from police nau, if den catch me ehn? Na wahala I dey" The driver explained. I pondered for a while and a bit of me became curious. "Really! What did you do?" I asked. The driver adjusted himself like my question made him uneasy. "Madam, na very king story ooo, I no know where I go start jare.
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"Madam, your money is double ooo" The Driver said. I guess the driver had perceived my desperate state, so why not? He actually wanted to take advantage of the entire situation but I really had no choice. "You know what? Just take me to the police station" I said. Honestly, if known better, I wouldn't have said that. The Driver starred at me like I said something awkward.. "Madam, sorry, not my way oo" He said frantically. I was running out of time.
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Again, I had to appeal to Amanda to calm down. "For the uptenth time, I say what's going on?" Amanda said, more fiercely. By now, I noticed my answer wasn't working so I had to come up with something. "Oh, my stomach hurts!" I lamented while holding on to my stomach. Amanda, suddenly bent over to help me. "Do I bring some water?" She asked, more calmly. I shook my head but continued to groan in pain. After a while, I began to pant ceaselessly. Then like a troubled Doctor, Amanda ran to a nearby Chemist, she ran so fast that she fell over a dish. Everyone around gave a helping hand. She was wet by now, the dirty water had soaked up. "Eyah...sister, sorry ooo" some passers by empathized and while she was surrounded by other people who attempted to clean her up, I took my chance, this time I quickly boarded a cap. "Please drive off" I said to the driver.
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Of course by now, it was pretty obvious that all wasn't well. Amanda had all of a sudden grown psychic, she was beginning to sound weird. She reminded me of one of those movies in the theater where the good, calm lovely girl suddenly change character to some one more fierce and mean. "Amanda, nothing is going on" I replied as I attempted to smile. Amanda shook her head and smiled back. Really, I thought I had convinced her until she said the next thing. "You are Lying and I detest liars!" She screamed hysterically.
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It appeared she had been eavesdropping but I wasn't so sure. My instinct told me to dread carefully this time. "Ah! Amanda, I did not stay long, did I?" I said cheerfully. Amanda had a very big frown. I did not know how to interpret this but I sure know it wasn't a good one. I attempted to move on but Amanda blocked the way. Initially, I thought she missed her step but the second time, she repeated it. "Amanda, do you need something?" I asked anxiously. Amanda had this kind of firm stare that keeps one breathing fast but this time around, it was even more emphatic. "I asked a question earlier on, What's going on?" Amanda asked again.
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For a while, I stood still while still contemplating on the next step to take. Kunle's voice connoted there was something serious. What if Kunle was in trouble over the wristwatch? Why was he particular about it? I believed Kunle would not want to implicate me in any kind of trouble. Honestly, because of the so many drama these days, Trust was fast becoming costly. However, I decided to go home , quickly take a light shower before I finally decide what to do. As I stepped out of the bathroom, I bumped into Amanda, right at the door. "So, what's going on" She said with a very scary voice. I became very uneasy...
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He sounded kind of tensed to me so I knew better than to keep conversing in Amanda's presence so I excused myself. "I'll be back" I said hushly as I managed to get to the Ladies' quickly, still holding on to Kunle's call. "Kunle, I can hear you. Is there any problem?" I asked. After some few distortion, I could still manage to hear Kunle."Trishia, just get to the station as fast as you can, please come along with the wrist watch." Kunle said and dropped the call.
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He sounded kind of tensed to me so I knew better than to keep conversing in Amanda's presence so I excused myself. "I'll be back" I said hushly as I managed to get to the Ladies' quickly, still holding on to Kunle's call. "Kunle, I can hear you. Is there any problem?" I asked. After some few distortion, I could still manage to hear Kunle."Trishia, just get to the station as fast as you can, please come along with the wrist watch." Kunle said and dropped the call.
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Hmmm..I could really perceive that Amanda was quite intuitive but was I ready to narrate my whole life ordeal?..Not so sure, the thought of it even scared me, where was I to start. My entire life was fast turning to a roller coaster, unending and Maybe Amanda was part of it, one could not tell. As I pondered on my response to Amanda, my phone rang. Yea! It was Kunle. Quickly, I received the call. "Trishia! Where are you?Please, I need you at the station right away!" Kunle lamented.
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More than just surprised, I guess she did not see it coming. She quickly stood up and wiped her tears. Still surprised, she drew her chair close to mine. "Sorry, I'm so sorry. I never wanted this to happen" She said soberly as she continued wiping away her tears. "No dear, I am sorry, I got carried away by my emotions." I said quickly, attempting to put myself together. Actually, Amanda did not bye my excuse, she gave me this cynical smile. "I think we might have something in common, do you mind to share?" She responded.
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..."I need you to give me time. I can help you but the whole of this entire drama leaves much to be desired. I don't know who to believe anymore." I said, feeling a little weary. Amanda dropped on her knees and held on to my knee and cried. "Please, just help me get that wristwatch, it means the entire world to me" She said. Looking at Amanda from my position, I could really see a desperate woman. And a thought crossed my mind, if this woman felt so much for a wristwatch, then what is George worth? Was it really about her marriage or some piece of ornament, then another thought came up, maybe be get into relationships for the wrong reason. Maybe our priorities are misplaced..Maybe Love is not enough. If not why would someone like Victor just a bad on me. As these thought rippled their way through my mind, I just broke down into tears. Amanda gazed at me with surprise.
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She hysterically pushed away the table right before us and began to cry. O-K-A-Y, that was really scary. Initially, I kind of wanted to just take my purse and walk out but on a second thought(just like a detective would do), I had to think the entire scenario through. I felt, apart from the fact that this was a woman going through a hard time in her marriage, no one would react to a wristwatch like that except there was more to it. Calmly, I held Amanda's hands. "Please, can you listen to me?" I said. Amanda stood still like an obedient child and starred at me once again, this time with greater expectation.
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Amanda starred at me with such high expectations. "em..I do not have the wristwatch" I responded swiftly but my heart raced faster than a speed racer. Suddenly, Amanda's countenance dropped. I could almost tell how disappointed she was. There was an unusual silence for a while. I almost became frightened, cause the next reaction from Amanda, was not what I envisaged.
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Amanda starred at me with such high expectations. "em..I do not have the wristwatch" I responded swiftly but my heart raced faster than a speed racer. Suddenly, Amanda's countenance dropped. I could almost tell how disappointed she was. There was an unusual silence for a while. I almost became frightened, cause the next reaction from Amanda, was not what I envisaged.
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Amanda's reaction was not so assuring as it took a while for her to respond. I think she was trying very hard to remember. "em..not so sure now but that wouldn't be a problem. I can always find out, besides It took me a while to get this far" Amanda replied. Really, my mind went riot as I began to dwell on everything Amanda had been telling me. Honestly, I needed to dread very carefully, so I thought to myself. "You know what?" I said suddenly.
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"em..please do you have any pain reliever?" She pleaded with me. For few seconds, I ran my hands through my purse and was lucky enough to find a sachet. Sometimes I do carry these things with me so I guess it really came in handy. Quickly, she grabbed it and swallowed two, just like that. To say the least I was stunned. "No water?" I asked curiously. She looked at me with a grin on her face that kind of belittled my question.
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"I and George have been married for Five years now without a child but that's not even the problem." Amanda said and broke down. Okay, at this point, I was expected to empathize with her, right? So I did! but of course, I could not wait to hear all the rest of the story and try to see if I could make sense of everything so far. "Thanks" She said as she used the white handkerchief l handed to her. "The problem now is that he has been seeing another woman for quite a while now, say over a year. I actually, have been making my own findings until today when I bumped into one of your staff." She said and paused.
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Okay, so many things were going on all at once and each time I thought I had a hold on something, another eludes me. I just starred at this Amanda, like she was some ghost of a sort. "I know! You're probably thinking who am I ?" Amanda said as she kept on talking. I was still short of words. "Listen, there is so much you need to know right now. The wristwatch in your custody is mine" She continued. This time, I tried to catch my breath. It seems to me, this lady knew quite more than I thought, oh well maybe she even knows about Zainab's daughter!
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It actually took me a while to catch my breath, I was really panting. "So..who are you please?" I asked. She beckoned on us to move away from the road so we moved into a small shopping mall where we sat down. "Listen, I know you don't know me but I kind of know you..don't worry I will explain later but I really need your help" The lady said. Seriously? Iike I was really lost. "What would you have me do? I even hardly know you." I said. "My name is Amanda, George's wife" She said.
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It was nearly three minutes before I was interrupted by this naive motorcyclist whose bike had stopped in the middle of the road. Before long the person behind me had caught up with me. "Madam, please hold on" The same voice said again, this time holding my hands firmly from behind, I turned to see who it was and it was a very pretty young lady, say about my age range. She smiled at me in a friendly way. At least that was very consoling.
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Apparently, I feigned ignorance not to have heard but i grew apprehensive. So many thoughts crossed my head and they were all rippling through. I had a choice between hastening up and to stop, the latter as far as I was concerned was not really a good idea. Then I had a better idea, I stopped for some few seconds, bent over, pulled my shoes and began to run!
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Hurriedly, I moved on with my head bowed. I walked so fast that one would assume me for a marathon athlete. The last people I wanted to talk to, was the police! I really wasn't sure if it was my imagination but the faster I walked, the more I felt I was being followed. I decided to hasten up a little more then I heard a voice behind me. "Madam, please wait!".
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I guess someone had called the police because it was only a matter of minutes when we saw them enter the premise. Everyone outside was eventually rounded up by the policemen to the station. Of course I had to hide before I was recognized. "I'll be back, okay?" Kunle said as he reassured me. I nodded with a smile. Technically, I had lost hold of the entire situation. I wasn't still sure of who those two were but if the wristwatch was anything to go by, I was very certain that there was more to the whole 'Zainab' issue. I was very anxious to return to the house so I began to round up as fast as possible. I managed to do some little entry here and there before heading out. No sooner had I stepped out when I spotted a police van right in front of the store.
Now, this scenario brought flash backs, more like déjà. Soon the entire situation culminated into something more uncontrollable. I could see Kunle beckoning on the lady to return to the store. By this time the man had become more violent. He attempted several times to block the entrance but Kunle overpowered him but not without a very tough fight.
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Now, this scenario brought flash backs, more like déjà vu. Soon the entire situation culminated into something more uncontrollable. I could see Kunle beckoning on the lady to return to the store. By this time the man had become more violent. He attempted several times to block the entrance but Kunle overpowered him but not without a very tough fight.
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"Okay! Just give me some seconds.." The man responded as he headed for the reception hall. I stood by my desk, patiently waiting to satisfy my curiosity but before I could get my hopes high, a drama ensued. It all was like a mellow Drama as we watched the man chasing the lady out of the store. Kunle soon ran after them to ensure there was no mishap of any kind at the car park. The rest of us watched with keen interest as the man tried to raise his hand against the lady.
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"Sir, but this wristwatch belongs to a woman who accidentally dropped it and it was found by one of our staff. The man paused for a while as he starred at me desperately. " Well, I gave it to her, She's with me right here" He shouted at the top of his voice. I began to have that kind of exciting feeling one has when something good is about to happen! That tingling feeling😃. I felt I was getting close to solving my mystery . "Please sir, may I see her?" I requested.
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The man starred at her like he wasn't sure of what she had just uttered. "You mean you dropped it here yesterday?" He asked her. She nodded her head in response. Then, I just realized that I was still in possession of the 'lost wristwatch' so I hurried back to my counter. In few minutes time, the man walked up to my counter with a very broad smile. "Please, I would love to find out about a missing wristwatch" He said. Quickly, I felt I was very close to solving my mystery thus I decided to play safe. "Please sir can you describe the wristwatch?" I said
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This caught the attention of virtually everyone present. I literally shook with fright but could not afford to give myself away. I remained fixed to my spot and watched on. "Where are you going?" The woman asked, quite shyly. The man replied with a stern look like he was going to explode. "Look for the wristwatch of course" He vented in anger. The woman, then sat up as if she had just remembered something. "I think I accidentally dropped it here yesterday.
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Hmmm! apparently, the lost wrist watch was hers. The man's countenance changed as if he had just heard the worst news ever. "Why are you so careless?" He asked furiously. The woman became very nervous. "You know that gift cost a fortune yet you were careless with it!" The man continued in his anger. For a while there was dead silence between both of them. One could only hear the noise of other people in the hall way. Suddenly with what looked like a swift reaction, the man stood up and hit one of the tables in the reception. "Damn!!" He shouted, leaving a crack on the table.
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I carefully watched him as he immediately stood up for the woman who had joined him. They both exchanged pleasantries with a welcome pat. If there was anything this woman loved, of course I would say, she was really stuck on covering herself all the time, appeared like a form of disguise to me anyway. I noticed the way the man starred at her, one could deduce there was a very intimate relationship between these two. Soon they were conversing. "So how was your night?" He asked her. "I don't know dear" She replied. "Why, is there a problem?" He asked a bit concerned. She dropped her head, this time appearing more troubled. "I can't find the wrist watch you gave me" She said.
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'What could be in the envelope?' I wondered. Within splits seconds, a woman walked towards our direction. "Yes! I recognized her! It was the same woman of the day before. I hurriedly stood up and turned anticlockwise I think the man noticed I became restless all of a sudden. "My Dear, you can go now, I'll see you around" He said in a manner that suggested he wanted me to go at that moment. In order not to bump into each other, I deliberately took another exit but his myself behind another make shift change over not very far from where the man was sitting.
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He brought out a transparent white envelope, actually one could see through it. "Go through this and get back to me" The man said as he handed the envelop to me. I felt a little reluctant before I eventually accepted it. Now this man got me more curious than before. I started to open the envelop when he interrupted. "Oh!,please young lady, not here. Just take your time when you get home, okay?" He said emphatically. I took a frantic look at the envelope again .
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Of course I have never been so good with suspense. I was practically dying to see what this man wanted to show me then I resolved to killing two beds with one stone. "Okay sir, let's go" I responded. Hurriedly I tagged along. I sat opposite The Man who seemed very excited. My mind pondered for a while. He smiled from ear to ear as he dipped his hands into his bag.
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Of course I have never been so good with suspense. I was practically dying to see what this man wanted to show me then I resolved to killing two beds with one stone. "Okay sir, let's go" I responded. Hurriedly I tagged along. I sat opposite The Man who seemed very excited. My mind pondered for a while. He smiled from ear to ear as he deeper his hands into his bag.
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"Okay sir, what would that be?" I asked further. "Why don't you come, chat me up...say for some few minutes?" The man responded with such enthusiasm. Seriously, I did not really know what to make out of this unusual request but this presupposed that he wanted my company. Something within me told me that I had to be careful and of course, tactical, I was in no way going to be vulnerable. ''Sir, I'm just a sales girl, I have my boundaries". I replied. "Come on, it won't take long, see..there is something I want to show you which I think you might be interested in" The man quickly responded. Hmmm! Something interesting? I wonder what that would be?
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It was a very long wait but to my greatest surprise the man was more patient than I had envisaged. He had casually strolled go my counter unannounced. "Hey, young lady, don't know if I could get some chilled yoghurt" He requested. Without thinking much, I hurriedly got him his request. I presumed he wanted to just indulge while waiting. "Anything else sir?" I said to ensure he was satisfied. "em...actually, yes!" He answered.
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"em...sir, I feel you shouldn't leave so soon, maybe she's trapped in traffic. I believe she will soon be here." I said. The man starred at me for a while. It was kind of awkward though but I still maintained an unsuspicious appearance. "Okay, you seem to be so sure, I think I'll just stick to your advice then." He replied as he took one of the seats by a corner. That being done, I began to pay more attention to every customer who walked through the door. At least one thing was sure, every puzzle will be unravelled before my very eyes.
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It was quite easy for me to persuade the man. I just needed to buy more time to put one and one together. We arrived at the reception, randomly searching through the customers that were waiting for some kind of delivery or the other. It became apparent that the woman in question was not present. " Oh very well, I guess I'll just check back or better still give her a call." The man responded and as he attempted to leave, I just suddenly grabbed him by his left hand to prevent him from going(I guess my curiosity got a better part of me). "Yes, young lady, is there any problem?" The man said as he looked at me curiously.
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I did not want to act surprise so I feigned ignorance, like I did not hear a thing. "Good morning young lady!" The man greeted again. This time I smiled at him. "Oh.. Good morning sir" I responded as well. "I don't mean to be a pest but I just want to find out if by chance you've seen a young woman walk in here this morning?" He asked desperately. I assumed he was referring to the same woman. Quickly, I had to think of something. I had figured out that he might be expecting her. "Sir, I might be able to help you find out if you can follow me to the reception"
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It was the same dress code for me, only this time around I added a dark shade. Kunle and I got to the store quite early. He actually informed me on the visit of some auditors. I joined the other sales girl to do some mopping and a little washing. We all soon began to arrange items accordingly. While at it, a man walked in casually. I remembered immediately I saw him. It was the same guy who I had seen with the lady(the owner of the wristwatch). "Good morning" he greeted as he headed my direction.
The last names read: From George to Zainab. Yes! Exactly the clue I needed. The puzzle had just been unravelled, however I was amazed. 'George to Zainab'? That phrase was very interesting to me. Who was George? Was that her husband's name? Probably he gave her the wristwatch while things were so rosy? I felt like Zainab had a secret all along. Remembering all that she narrated to me, one would not imagine that she had such an adorable relationship with her husband. Okay, I decided to put back the wristwatch in my bag and get ready for the next day.
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The last names read: From George to Zainab. Yes! Exactly the clue I needed. The puzzle had just been unravelled, however I was amazed. 'George to Zainab'? That phrase was very interesting to me. Who was George? Was that her husband's name? Probably he gave her the wristwatch while things were so rosy? I felt like Zainab had a secret all along. Remembering all that she narrated to me, one would not imagine that she had such an adorable relationship with her husband. Okay, I decided to put back the wristwatch in my bag and get ready for the next day.
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It was a small brown paper, it was folded very tightly. I picked it up along with the wristwatch. was such a relief to know that the wristwatch was still in one piece. However, I held on to the piece of paper. Curious to find out what the paper was all about, I gently opened it. On it was drawn a pretty Rose flower with a smiling face. I became more curious and went ahead to open it. It was a note which read: 'This is an expression of my love for you always. I'm so glad you are with me, finally. This is just a token of my undying love for you'...Okay, just a piece of Love note the owner decided to lock up in her wristwatch, obviously because it was a gift, well understood. Well, I guess we would just have to wait for this 'Mystery Lady' then or so I thought, not until my eyes fell on the names at the bottom of the note, trust me, I did not see that coming...
Talk about coincidence! Kunle's description fit in to 'My mystery Lady', but what clue could a wristwatch give. "Really? I believe she would come back for it" I replied Kunle as I snapped out of my thought. "Yea, and that is the reason I want to give it to you for safe keeping" Kunle replied. Okay, was this some kind of promotion or what? "Me? Kunle, are you sure?" I asked curiously. Kunle smiled in affirmation. ..............I had cleared the dishes and retired to my room. It was a very beautiful wrist watch(I mean, the found wristwatch). I looked at it keenly and noticed it was a very mundane, yet, gold wrist watch. It must be very expensive, I thought to myself. I kept running my hand playfully round the wristwatch, then suddenly it fell. I bent down immediately to save it from breaking when something dropped out.
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Kunle had made my stay at the store worth the while that I looked forward to another and I still, could not keep that lady off my mind, she looked so much like Zainab. Dinner was served, Kunle had prepared a sumptuous meal and it also came with a bottle of wine. This was kind of surprising because I couldn't even remember Kunle mentioning any thing special. "So, what's the occasion, Kunle?" I asked, looking curiously at the buffet. Kunle put on a very big smile. "Well, it was a great sale today at the store, em..I noticed most of the entry was from your counter so I just wanted to show some appreciation" Kunle responded. To say the least, I was really astonished, well you never know what a little help could do. We settled down to eat, after a very Long silence, Kunle brought out a wrist watch. "This belongs to a customer, I think she left it in a hurry and according to one of the sales girl, she wore a Senegalese and had a veil on." He said as he ...
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Hurriedly I took to the bathroom's route to make it appear like I had just gone to ease myself. I stationed myself at my counter and nervously waited until she came but my wish was dashed when suddenly, a call came through and the woman received it. By this time another cashier had helped her with her groceries(seeing that she was pressed for time.). I just wondered why some people could be so forward. She had only succeeded in depriving me of finding out who this lady was.
As I peeped from my hideout, I soon saw a man who joined the woman. They seem to have chatted for a while before exchanging numbers. I could not still see her face but the man looked more elderly than the woman yet one may not easily determine the sort of relationship that existed between both people but they were quite cordial. The man left quite in a hurry while the woman hurriedly picked some few items, then she headed for my counter.
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A woman dressed in red Senegalese fabric walked in. Okay I guess by now you would be thinking: 'What is unusual about that?'. Well, the woman had a striking resemblance with Zainab, though I wasn't sure if she was the one, all the same I watched her keenly. She strolled along the corridor to and fro like she was searching for something very important. The veil she had on her head made it quite difficult for one to see her face easily. While she paced about restlessly, I managed to carefully pass behind her and hid close to a makeshift wardrope annex to the corridor.
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Well, it was a smooth ride all the way to the store. I couldn't believe, I was back to Kunle's store since I and Victor bumped into him. I don't know if it was my eyes but the store looked bigger this time."We just created a new toiletry department ". Kunle said excitingly, as if he read my mind. That explained why the store looked bigger. " Congrats " I responded. Kunle left one in doubt about his zeal to succeed, to say the least, I was very impressed with his progress thus far. In no time, customers started trooping in. Despite the numerous staff, it was pretty obvious that an extra hand was needed. I decided to make myself available for service, I began to attend to other customers. I kind of enjoyed the whole 'freedom' thing, being able to be myself once again, seeing living people walk around, conversing, laughing..I mean the feeling was close to none. "Thanks so much, Trishia" Kunle said in appreciation as he stepped up to my co...
I think he had something going through his mind. "Trish, you really have no cause to worry. You could just put on a face cap along with your outfit and that does it" Kunle suggested. Giving it a thought, I felt that wasn't a bad idea if well executed. Kunle's proposal was quite inviting since I had been shut out of the world for quite a while now. I got ready in the next few minutes. It was quite nerve wracking as we headed out of the house.
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Then the next thing Kunle said got me pondering. "Em...Trishia, I was really wondering if you are not bored in doors." Not sure how to responded, I remained silent. "Well, what I mean is that, I think you can accompany me to the store today. Just to stretch your legs a little". Oh, yea, right? Like I could do with some company since my life just got very complicated, I thought to myself, 'How bad can it be anyway?'. " Kunle, I would have love to but how about the police and this whole drama going on?" I replied wearily. Kunle paused for a while.
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Can't even remember how long I had stared at that phone but I sure knew it was for long before I slept off. It was already 8.00am, yet no call from Victor. My sweet and shining armor had not even found time to call me...his phone? hmm..still switched off oooo..well, I tried not to dwell on it for so long but it was almost impossible for me. While I wallowed in my misery, Kunle walked into my room. Maybe few months back, I would have considered his gesture quite rude, at least for not even knocking but some strange reasons, I over looked it. "Good morning Trish" Kunle said, smiling. Okay, It was a bit awkward for me but I responded likewise.