As soon as Chief perceived Abigail wasn't impressed with his gesture, he stopped laughing.
"Abigail baby! Sorry jare! It is just that the way you just squeeze your face because of that small amount.." Chief said.
Abigail looked at Chief surprisingly.
"Okay? Does that mean you are giving me the money? Abigail asked, feeling a bit nervous.
Chief finished eating and he  washed his hands in the bowl of water set before him.
Then he stretched forward, picked a tooth pick and began to pick each tooth. Abigail still anticipated his response.
"Chief? are you giving me the money?" She asked again, this time Abigail was more agitated.
Then Chief cleared his throat.
"Abigail! Four hundred thousand naira is nothing, in fact, I will make it double!" Chief bragged.
Angela looked at Chief, about puzzled yet this time, more hopeful.
"Chief! are you serious!?" She exclaimed.
"Ehn nau! I am serious just like I have been begging you to grant me my request!" Chief emphasized.
Suddenly, Angela's countenance changed.
"Chief, why are you laughing? It's a serious issue for me." She said.
(Written by The Story Teller)
Ejiro Emenike Ukaumune.
This is a Book filled with interwoven Suspense and Thrills.
Coming out soon on OkadaBooks👍
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