SISI EKO.        
 Abigail stood still for a while, She seemed lost as she looked at the group of people, then she turned to Samuel who was by this time, smiling. "Well, meet my friends." He said. Abigail hesitated for a while before she responded. "Hello!" She said as she tried to put up a cheerful smile. Then, she thought, what was Samuel up to? As far as she was concerned, she only wanted her note pad returned and the last thing on her mind was some sort of introduction to a random group. "Hello!" They chorused as they smiled cheerfully. 
"So, this is the young lady who gave the viewers a spectacular show the other day." Samuel said.
 Abigail stood still for a while, She seemed lost as she looked at the group of people. She turned to Samuel who was by this time, smiling. "Well, meet my friends." He said. Abigail hesitated for a while before she responded. "Hello!" She said as she tried to put up a cheerful smile. Then, she thought, what was Samuel up to? As far as she was concerned, she only wanted her note pad returned and the last thing on her mind was some sort of introduction to a random group. "Hello!" They chorused as they smiled cheerfully. "So, this is the young lady who gave the viewers a spectacular show the other day." Samuel said and a resounding cheer followed.
Abigail was taken off guard as she became quite embarrassed.
 "So, why don't you join our dancing troup? One of the group members proposed. Abigail was instantly speechless. She pondered for a second over the possibility of being set up by Samuel. Then she chuckled. 
"Actually, I have never thought of dancing as a career !" She replied. "Then, welcome to the club!" Samuel exclaimed. 
Suddenly, there was an announcement on the podium. "Can we please have the 'Street Dancers!' The speaker called over the microphone. This was followed by a standing ovation by the large crowd in attendance. 
Abigail stared at Samuel and the other members of the Dance troup as they moved forward.
 "So? What are you waiting for? That's us! We are the Street Dancers, let's go!" Samuel said as he dragged her along . 
Before Abigail could say another word, cameras and lights were flashed on them as the ovation persisted.

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