Abigail and her Mother were puzzled at her Father's reaction. Abigail wondered what was amusing as her father laughed uncontrollably.
"Papa, you seem to find it amusing that you no longer have pile." Abigail said, quite curiously.
Her father took a spoon full of hot pepper soup and swallowed carefully.
"Look, my princess, I am aware." He replied as he gulped a glass of water, almost immediately.
"How you come take know say you no get pile and you no even tell any body?" Abigail's Mother queried.
"Well, everyone was insisting that the Doctor run a check up on me even when I declined." Abigail's Father stated.
Abigail pondered for few seconds.
"So Papa, if I may ask, what is really the problem?" Abigail asked.
Her Father drank more spoons of pepper and rested on his back.
Then, he smiled and turned to Abigail.
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"Abigail, my Princess, there are things that experience knows that even professionalism cannot comprehend. It takes years to undererstand certain things in life." Abigail's Father reiterated.
Abigail still looked puzzled and so did her Mother.
"Papa, please explain." Abigail pleaded.
"Well, the cause of this sickness is very obvious." Abigail's Father stated, this time with a frown.
"Papa we are listening." Abigail pressed on.
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