Bettiwin Ltd : Property Consultant.. 
At that moment, even the drop of a pin would have sounded so loud!
It seemed the question was directed at Abigail. She smiled and maintained a calm disposition and just as she was about responding, Samuel interrupted.
"em..madam, actually she is our new member." Samuel stated.
The woman responded with a cheerful smile.
"Wow! You really dance so well..haha! Are you sure you're not going to take over the entire city?" She exclaimed excitedly.
The other members responded cheerfully.
"I guess so madam. Thanks for the compliment." Samuel responded like he was about dismissing the woman.
"Alright, then. This is for everyone, just to express how much I appreciate you." The woman said as she brought out a brown envelope and stretched it forward. Everyone was quite surprised as they exchanged glances. Samuel received the envelope as he was all smiles. "Wow! Thank you madam." Samuel said even without opening the envelop. The Woman then turned to leave. Suddenly she stopped like she remembered something.
"By the way, we will be opening a club by next week and we wouldn't mind your performance every weekend, are you game?" The Woman asked. Apparently, this sounded like the best news the Troup had ever received in a long time as they screamed with excitement.
"Yes! Yes! We are!" They Chorused. Then the woman smiled.
" Okay, I guess we can seal the deal at my office.
Here is my complimentary card. Please, Monday would be fine." She said as she handed it to Samuel and walked away. Immediately, he opened the envelop and everyone, including Abigail peeped into it and they were amazed at the content.
The envelop contained a huge sum of money!
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