Abigail was grumpy through out the entire stay in her parents' house. She pondered over the words of her father.
Soon, she thought it was better to leave. As she prepared to move, her mother walked into the room.
She observed Abigail was not in a cheerful mood.
"Ah han! My pikin, you don dey go? Wetin happen nau?" She asked as she panicked.
Abigail looked up at her Mother.
"Mami, yes..I'm leaving. Why should Papa say I'm the cause of his state of health?" Abigail lamented.
Her Mother sat on the bed and beckoned on Abigail to sit close to her.
"My Pikin, vex. Na old age dey worry your Papa, I know sure say him mean am." Abigail's Mother appealed.
For a while, Abigail remained quiet. 
"Mami, Papa should know that I will marry when it's time." Abigail exclaimed.
"Ehn...I know say na you be our only pikin." Abigail's Mother said.
"Well, Mama let me just leave, I need to go home now.." Abigail said as she headed out of the room.
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"So, you no won stay with us small?" Abigail's Mother asked.
"Mama, I will soon check back, I just have to attend to some things at home." Abigail explained.
"Okay o!" Abigail's Mother exclaimed.  Then, half way to the Door, there was a loud voice.
"Abigail! Wait there!" Abigail's Father shouted.


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