Samuel hesitated again, this time even much longer. After a while, he responded.
  "Well, your Note pad slipped out of your bag while dancing and before I noticed, you had gone and then, I saw your name and number at the back." Samuel replied.
 Abigail was taken aback. She had hardly noticed anything was missing in her bag so she quickly checked and confirmed.
  "So, how do I get my Note pad? It's very important." Abigail inquired.
  "Well, that's simple! Just attend the Dance Festival!" Samuel exclaimed cheerfully.
Abigail breathed down. At this point she knew she had no choice.
  "Okay..i will be there. Let me have the details." She responded.
 Abigail was all set as she put on some perfume. She stood in front of the standing mirror and gazed upon her reflection for few seconds. She turned around slightly and assessed her backside. Pretty contented with what she saw, she adjusted her skirt a bit above her knees. Abigail had always believed she had good legs thus she had to flaunt them. Abigail picked her hand bag and headed out.
The square was jam parked as Abigail arrived. She stood at a spot and watched different troupes of Dancers display their talents. Abigail was thrilled, she almost wished she could participate. Then she turned around to search for Samuel when she bumped into someone.
   "Oh! Sorry!" She exclaimed.
Then, Abigail looked up and realized it was Samuel. He smiled very cheerfully at her.         "So, you made it!" He said as he raised his voice amidst the musical instruments. Abigail nodded her head.
         "Okay, follow me, please." Samuel said as he led the way.
       Abigail followed without any question yet she wondered where he was heading for. Soon, they arrived at a make shift tent where a group of people sat. Abigail was puzzled.
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