It was a very long day as Abigail tried to put up with the latest development. She had managed to feign an outstanding performance with the 'Street Dancers.' on the festival podium.
 Apparently, everyone enjoyed the performance as there were loud ovations from every nook and cranny. Abigail was yet to get over the razzmatazz as she panted for breath! Whilst she was off the stage, she whispered to Samuel: "Please, what on earth just happened?" Samuel responded with another cheerful smile. "Well, I guess that was your first official 'Dance!' " He exclaimed and the other members jeered. Abigail was baffled. She couldn't wait to leave as soon as she could.
"Relax! This is just a Dance Troup! We won't bite! besides you have all it takes to be here!" One of the ladies stated. Then, tagged along a middle aged woman, dressed in a casual outfit. She headed towards the Troup as she was all smiles. "Well! Well! Well! That was a great performance, you know? The Street Dancers! I must say you never stop amazing me? Each time I watch you, I just get blown away!" She commended and Samuel and the others were delighted. Then, the woman remained standing like she still wanted to say more. However Abigail was indifferent. Then, just as she was about asking for her notepad, the woman spoke.
"..And who is the 'New lady'?" She inquired. Everyone turned towards Abigail.

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