The Driver stopped at the seventh junction as soon as he spotted the Hospital. "No be here una been tell me say una dey look for?" The Driver said. Abigail's mother looked out of the car. 'E be like say na here o!" She responded. Then Abigail and her Mother stepped out and paid the Driver. Abigail was relieved as soon as she realized it was the Hospital. At the reception, a Nurse was in attendance. "Good day, Welcome to Diagnostics! How may we be of service?" The Nurse said as she smiled cheerfully. "Well, I  actually want to see your Doctor concerning an issue." Abigail responded. The Nurse brought out a Pen and a Paper and placed it on the counter. "Please put down your details here." She instructed. Abigail hissed and the Nurse was startled. "Please Ma, is there any problem?" The Nurse inquired.
 "Well, I don't think writing down our names here is necessary. I only  want to confirm the information given to me by my Mother." Abigail snapped. The Nurse stared at Abigail for a while. "Please Ma, this is protocol just to enable us assist you better." She responded. Just then, Abigail flared up. "Ah han! Call the Doctor jare! What kind of bottle neck protocol do you operate here?" Abigail yelled. Immediately, a young man dressed in white overall walked into the reception. Abigail turned and realized it was Dele!
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Dele Olutimilehin 
Island Depot 

Gloria Maduka
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@ Inspiration FM(92.3)


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