Abigail, still held on to her handset as she tried very hard to recall the voice over the Phone.
"Sorry, who is speaking?" She inquired.
There was a brief silence and Abigail could perceive the hesitation.
"Well, I guess you may not even remember the voice so quickly. This is Samuel." The speaker said.
Still, Abigail was unable to discern.
"Samuel, please your name doesn't ring a bell.." She replied.
Then, the speaker laughed.
"The only bell it might ring is the Fantastic Dance you showcased that evening the Dance Troup was passing by. Suddenly, Abigail could recall! It was the young man who had insisted she danced with him.
"Really!? This is a surprise!" Abigail exclaimed.
"Yeah! I just called to say 'Hi'." Samuel said.
"Well, that's thoughtful of you." Abigail responded.
"I was hoping you could attend one of our shows in a couple of Days." Samuel requested.
Abigail paused for a moment.
"Did you say show? What Show!?
"It's a Festival Dance anniversary." Samuel replied excitingly.
The Abigail Pondered for a moment.
"..but, wait! How did you get my number!?" She asked curiously.

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