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(More Than Just a Story!)

Your Regular host on Inspiration FM ( , 92.3) from 2- 5 pm
(More Than Just a Story!)
It was few minutes past the second teaching period and everyone in the class were all seated as they waited patiently for the Teacher in charge. Meanwhile, Ochuko, Peres, Adesuwa, Sandra and Deborah chatted amongst one another, though they had lowered their voices to prevent others from eavesdropping.
"So, how far? Has anyone heard anything about Onome so far?" Deborah asked anxiously as she starred at the rest. There was brief silence. "Well..em..nothing yet, just the same News making the rounds that her mother is still at the station." Peres replied.
"So, are we still going to make efforts..I mean more efforts to go in search of her?" Ochuko stated.
"Look! You heard what the principal said the last time, that we should allow the Police do their job, Ahan!" Adesuwa said, almost raising her voice.
"Let's not quarrel, okay? Like I suggested previously, I actually went to see her Brother, Ochuko." Sandra announced.
"Onome's Brother?" What for?" Asked, Ochuko.
Suddenly, a Teacher walked into the class.

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