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             BEAUTY FOR ASHES
         (More Than Just A Story)
The Truck Drivers advanced to calm  the already tensed crowd. Men, women and Children of Kolobiri had all eventually emerged outside as News spread to other houses.
Chattering and mumurs filled the air. Onome's brother, Ochuko anticipated anxiously a response by one of the men who had previously been questioned over their in tensions in the community.
The Truck Drivers beckoned on everyone to keep calm.
"Oga o! We won know o! After una don build all the fine fine companies wey una won build for here, wet in go come happen to all our house and all our property?" Another person asked.
The Truck Drivers seized some moments to consult one another.
"Abeg, make Una answer us too!" A woman from the crowd shouted impatiently. The Truck Drivers soon joined them again.
 "Em..una doh!!" Their spokesman greeted. A few responded.
"Okay oo... As we talk before, na Government send us but no be with empty hand." He continued.
"Na wetin be that!?" The people asked anxiously.
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