"Oga! The woman has started again o!" A police man, who was on duty at the station had annouced.😠Onome's mother was singing aloud with reckless abandon. Appearing tired but still relentless, she danced vigorously while holding on to the edge of her wrapper.
  "Doh! Doh! Doh! Oghene Doh!.." She continued. The police Boss stepped out of his office and with a stern look, he starred at her for a while like he was pondering on what action to take.
 "Madam! Why are you making noise like this na! You no one cooperate, abi?" He queried.
 "As una no won release me, wetin Una want make I do? Ehn?" Onome's mother lamented.
 "In fact, you will sleep here for the next couple of weeks to come, continue proving stubborn na!" Another inspector who was standing next to the Boss shouted
 Suddenly, Ochuko ran into the station, panting for breath!
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