CURIOUS CHILD...What is Corruption? Created by E PLUS The Storyteller.


Curious Child: Mum, What's corruption?

(Mum ponders for a moment before responding).

Mum: Well, Corruption is bad.

(Curious Child ponders over the response)

Curious Child: that the real definition?

(Mum looks at Curious Child)

Mum: Yes nau! Why are you asking?

Curious Child: Does that mean you and daddy are bad people?

(Mum is surprised)

Mum: What do you mean?

Curious Child: I overheard you and daddy planning to settle the chairman of the estate with some money to exclude you from the monthly contributions. Is that not corruption?

(Mum is visibly shaken)

Mum: Well, 'over hearing' a conversation that is not meant for you, is the highest form of corruption.



Created by E PLUS The Storyteller.

(Creative Writer, Content Creator, Blogger, Voiceover artist and Storyteller)

For your Contents, Brand Stories, Creative Stories, Voiceover Jingles, Blog posts, and Proposals




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