DICEY.. Wriitten by E PLUS The Storyteller.

                        DICEY(PART 2)

          Written by E PLUS The Storyteller.

 Instantly, I remembered that Mike had actually promised to stop at my office to see me before heading for a transaction, nearby. As I held on to the phone, I quickly beckoned on Steve that I was leaving, and quickly he slipped his complimentary card into my left hand.

In less than five minutes, I had gotten to the office, and met Mike waiting in his car, and l joined him. Mike gave me a suspicious stare.

"What? I just went off for a drink, and snacks." I reacted.

"But you know I was coming to see you, Loretta." Mike said, quite grumpily.

"And that shouldn't stop me from having brunch, Mike." I snapped. And there was momentary silence, at that point I just wanted to head back to the office. 

"How are you?" Mike finally spoke.

"I'm fine." I replied.

"I was hoping we could get away this weekend, we've not been spending time together the way we should, lately." Mike stated.

"..but you know that we've both been occupied with work." I said.

"Yea, that's the reason I'm suggesting that we make time out, this weekend. Loretta, you are my fiance, and we need to start getting use to each other, more." Mike added. I heaved a heavy sigh, and paused for a moment.

"Okay, maybe next weekend." I said.

"Why not, this weekend?" Mike exclaimed.

"... Remember Trishia, my childhood friend I told you about? She will be getting married on Saturday." I responded.

"Hmmm! I see..." Mike said, feeling quite disappointed.

"Don't worry Mike, everything will add up." I said, as I tried to pacify Mike.

"I hope so." Mike responded.

"I need to get back to work, thanks for stopping by. Hope your transaction goes well." I said, as I  embraced Mike before heading out. 


As soon as I arrived home, after the day's work, I  had a warm shower, and settled down with a plate of my favourite meal, scrambled eggs and bread, thankfully I always get quality, and fresh eggs from Hemkay Deli Eggs. As I ate my meal, and sipped through a hot glass of milk, I read through the complimentary card Steve had slipped into my hand, then, I discovered that he was an automobile engineer, and managed his own outfit. Quite impressive for a young man, I thought. Steve's hilarious gesture kept playing out in my head, and it almost felt like I had known him, all my life. My mind had drifted away for so long that I hardly could stay awake to watch my favourite Martine. The next morning, I was all set for Trishia's wedding ceremony, though I was running quite late, I still had faith that I would  meet up with the Church service. As soon as I entered my car, every attempt to kick start it, failed then I became very agitated. I really couldn't imagine missing Trishia's wedding ceremony for anything, She wouldn't forgive me.

Quickly, I dialed my mechanic's number, and it was switched off. "Oh! No!" I exclaimed. After pondering over my predicament for a while, I decided to take a cab. I arrived barely few minutes after the Church service had commenced so I was fortunate enough to get a good sitting position, at least enough to steal glances at the intending couple before they were declared husband, and wife. Trishia was looking so stunning! As soon as the couple was declared husband, and wife, everyone cheered, and before long, we were all set to head for the reception. "Loretta! Good to see you! My eyes couldn't stop searching for you, I was so scares that you wouldn't make it." Trishia said as we chatted away.

"Congratulations, my friend. So happy for you!" I exclaimed, as we hugged. Then, I felt a hand, tap my shoulder, I turned around to see that it was Steve!

      "Well! Well! Well! What a pleasant surprise!" Steve exclaimed with a cheerful smile, on. I was quite speechless for some seconds, yet pleased to see Steve again.

"Wow! Seems you know each other?" Trishia said.

"Em...yes." I responded.

"Steve is my younger brother's friend." Trisha said.

"Oh! That's nice." I replied.

  "Please, I have to join my husband now, expecting you at the reception." Trishia said as she hurriedly headed out. Then Steve turned to me, and just stared. We both stood still for a while, without saying a word to each other 

"So, we meet again, and I must say you look amazing! This dress sits well on you." Steve said. That compliment meant alot to me.

"Thanks, and you don't look bad yourself." I replied. Then, came the silence again as Steve continued to stare at me, this time he had a smile on his face. 

"Trust me, I'm taking your number this time around." Steve said as he brought out his phone.

                    The Story continues...





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