My child: Mummy!
Me: Yes...
My child: My teacher called me naughty.
(I pause for a moment, and quite upset I thought of a better way to respond.)
Me: Don't mind her, you are not naughty, okay? You are a great child, with a sound mind, the best in the world.
(My child smiles, and feels happy again.)
My Child: Yes, mummy.
Over the years, the teaching profession has culminated into an endearing one, considering the many sacrifices committed to it. However, this is not the same for those who think otherwise, thus we have the category of teachers who see this profession as a burden and usually transfer their aggression to the children, unfortunately so. The question is:
As parents, as wards, how do we bridge this gap?
Parents must be deliberate about parenting from all dimensions. Be vigilant, be discrete and observant, some children are outspoken, while others tend to be reserved, and keep information to themselves. Cultivate the habit of having conversations with your children, especially about school activities.
No negative word should be condoled, teachers ought to be builders and not destroyers, children should not be objects of relieving their aggression or frustration, as the case may be.
Parents, draw the attention of the School authority, regarding 'Name calling and shaming' and if nothing is done after a while, feel free to withdraw your children/wards. The School should not be a place of torment and abuse(Mentally and otherwise).
Parents, always lead your children with words of affirmation, positive words are instrumental to building up a child's confidence, and the child eventually doesn't think less of himself/herself.
Charity begins at home.
The School experience should be holistic, and a balanced process of learning, let's say no to
Do not fail to report any #teacher who is guilty of the above vices. The earlier we nip this act in the bud, the better for everyone.
Written by E PLUS The Storyteller
(Creative Writing Skills, Visual Art Communication, Blogging, Voiceover, and Storytelling Coach).
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