THE BELIEVER... A Story by E PLUS The Storyteller.

How can I ever face my Family, again?

I know I'm a complete failure!

What can I do, now?"

Said, Desmond in total despair.

   He walked around the uncompleted building, and looked up. Confused and disappointed, Desmond sat helplessly on the ground.

 " What is going on?

  Why me?" He continued to grumble.

   Desmond concluded that he had lost all he had to fraudsters, after he had been offered a mouth watering contract to earn him a house. He had quickly jumped at the offer and without a second thought, he withdrew all the money from his bank account.

 Weeks later, Desmond waited anxiously for a feedback from the investment Company, and when he got none, he decided to trace the address, only to find  an uncompleted building!

 Desmond remained seated on the floor, as he continued to lament. Then his

phone rang. Quite startled, he reached out for it and realized that it was his wife... he heard a voice instructing him to receive the call, but Desmond refused and after a while, he headed for the 🍺beer parlor...

Desmond had taken his fifth bottle, and had become quite intoxicated and wasted. He laid his head on the table and gazed on.

  Nothing seemed to make sense to him anymore.

  The loud music at the background got him drowned in dexterity as he sang along.

 "Oga, your bill is four thousand o!"One of the service girls said as she waited beside him. Desmond had slept off and as soon as the sales girl noticed this, she tapped his shoulder, calling his attention.

  "Oga! Abeg answer me ooo! We won close!" She said angrily.

Quite startled, he sluggishly raised up his head and stared at the sales girl for a while...

"Oga! Abeg no dey look me like say you see ghost..I say pay me my money!!!!" The sales girl shouted angrily.

  Clumsily, Desmond dipped his hand in his pocket and after a long tussle, he realized that there was no money, then he looked up and exclaimed.

  "Ah! I have been robbed!"

Desmond laid on the floor helplessly and as he opened his eyes, the rays of the morning sun beamed harshly through his eyes.

He used his hand to shield his sight, and as he attempted to stand up, he fell down!

 Then, Desmond remembered he had gotten injuries from the beating by some hoodlums at the beer parlor after he had failed to pay for his drinks.

  Desmond laid on the floor as he lamented in pain, then he saw some people heading towards his direction. Quickly, Desmond began to shout for help.

  "Help! Help!"

As he continued shouting, he passed out.

  Few Hours later, he woke up in a Hospital.

Desmond looked around and could hardly remember anything. Shortly, a doctor walked in to examine him.

 After a while, Desmond spoke.

   " Doctor, please how did I get here?" He asked.

The Doctor smiled. "Well a good Samaritan brought you here."

He replied.

 Desmond was quite puzzled.

  "Who could that be?" He thought.

 "Doctor please where is this good Samaritan?" He asked.

Without saying a word the Doctor smiled at Desmond. This made him become more agitated!

He was anxious to know who had gone all the way to save him. Quietly, somewhere in his heart, he really wished he had been left to die!

 Desmond thought thus:
"What was the point living!?" As far as he was concerned, he was a huge disappointment to himself and his entire family!

  After the examination, the Doctor stepped out, and returned shortly after, this time around with Desmond's Family.

Mrs Desmond smiled at her husband as she stretched forth her hands to give him a hug. Desmond quickly sat up and tried to avert his wife, however her reassuring smile made him quite relaxed.

  "Desmond, thank God you are alive! I and the kids have been searching all over for you. We thought something terrible must have happened to you, until this good Samaritan who brought you here contacted me." Desmond's wife said.

 Desmond was puzzled. He had no idea who this Samaritan was, yet he had done so much!

   "My wife, I have failed you! I invested all our money in a transaction I wasn't sure of! I'm so sorry!" Desmond admitted.

 Mrs Desmond just smiled and this made him more confused.

  "You mean, you are not mad at me?" Desmond exclaimed. His wife shook her head, and she reached out for her back. Desmond watched his wife curiously as she brought out an envelope. She opened it and brought out a cheque.

  "See, Desmond, the good Samaritan wrote us a blank cheque! You don't have to worry, all you need do is put your trust in God!" Mrs Desmond said.

  Mr Desmond was overwhelmed and speechless, as he screamed for joy!

"Wow! Indeed this is a Miracle!"

    Do you still believe God can fix things?

   Or you have given up on life?

    Have you lost your Faith, even as a believer in Christ?

Seeking for half measures?

God still wants you to know that He knows our frailties.

He knows our trials and tribulations.

He knows our challenges and fears

However, he will fix it all!!

He goes ahead of us.

If only you believe and have faith

That He is the God of a 'Turn Around!"

Call on Him today!
You can read "BEAUTIFUL" (The Book on worship and healing ) written by E Plus The Storyteller, as inspired by the Holy Spirit.

Click here..



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