She walked into the room, her gaze, looking quite distant. She managed to take a seat, and her gaze was constantly oblivious. The waitress couldn't help but notice her gesture, as she began to soliloquize amidst intermittent laughter. Quite concerned, the waitress headed towards her, to find out what the matter was.

"Hello Ma'am, good day." The Waitress greeted. The lady turned around, and fixed her gaze on the waitress, and without saying a word, burst into tears.

"Oh! So sorry! Is it something I said?" The waitress asked, as she panicked.

"I gave it my all, after so many years of selfless sacrifice, toiling and so much commitment! What have I done to deserve such cruelty! He just called off the relationship." The lady said amidst tears. For a moment, the waitress stared at her, and she had flash backs of how she had become depressed from a similar situation.
"You know what? We can talk about this, if you don't mind. I guess we have something in common, however, I have learnt one two lessons, and I'm willing to share. Sorry about what happened, but you will come through. Everything will be fine." The waitress responded, as she handed the lady a tissue paper.

Then, she felt like a spark of light beamed on her.

"Thank you, I really appreciate." She replied.

"Now, what would you like to have?" The waitress said. 

"I will settle for orange drink." The lady said, this time she had a smile on.
... The term, *DEPRESSION* is quite
holistic- from the text definition to the theory, and being an expert in the discussion of the theme_ DEPRESSION, is a matter of experience.. however, rather than say: One is an expert in depression(because, no one should even get used to it.), I would say, it's either one has experienced it, first hand or have(had) seen someone experience it, or heard about it. Either way, one visible and conspicuous evidence of depression is 'Loss of interest in virtually everything, owing to an extreme reaction to an occurrence.'
Depression is considered to be a mental health disorder, a condition or a state, and whatever be the case, if not controlled, it can really be drastic. Because people react to issues differently, anything can trigger depression- from the lost of a loved one to disappointments. The sadness begins to grow, and the mood is affected. Some people would begin to see things in their head, get hysterical, frightened, feel like running away, begin to talk to themselves, and other times, feel like ending it all. So, it becomes expedient, not to ignore the slightest sign.
  Another thing worthy of note, is "the way we react to issues, and who we talk to." More often than not, the world is full of people with good intentions, however, on the flip side, we also have those who don't know better, but feel they know all, so they give you misleading advise... invariably, you begin to walk with those advise, and unfortunately, it negatively imparts on your relationship, and your life, overall.
Who you talk to, matters alot.
What we have in the society today, is the transfer of advise from people who are hurting (and refuse to heal.), to others, hence the aggression hits the entire system (both in the home front and the society)
When we learn, that life is not a competition, we will begin to enjoy and appreciate the gift of life
When we accept our own realities, shortcomings, strength, and idiosyncrasy, we would tow our lane, and by and by work towards a solution.
When we realise that no one is responsible for our choices in life, then we will become deliberate about taking responsibilities.
And as a woman, a wife and a mother, there is a unique grace God has given you to see the red line, and know when there is danger ahead.

As a man, you shouldn't be bound by the stereotypical narrative which says:
These stereotype interferes with reality, and has a way of arm twisting you to 'suffer in  silence'. Truth is that you don't have to succumb.

Don't be afraid of being true to yourself,
divorce your mindset from the 'SUPER HUMAN' fallacy.
Speak out, when necessary, help is never far away.
Remember to give yourself, and the entire family, that special, healthy and delicious treat, from FRUITS N' BERRIES.
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