IS THE LIBRARY, GONE? (The Nigerian Case Study.)

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One of the greatest assets ever handed down to humanity, has to be the Library, and this is undoubtedly so, due to its significant and contribution in the collection of information, providing enlightenment, development, and national reformation. The wealth of knowledge transferred by simply reading a book or written piece is inexhaustible and invaluable. Thus it has become expedient to understand the narrative that plays out in a society where the culture of reading is hardly visible, and then this question easily comes to mind:  Is The library, Gone?
  How much of these physical Libraries do we see nowadays, or can it be safe to say that they have been replaced by the digital trend? Answers to these questions will actually give closure to the genuine concerns being registered. On this special edition of MEET THE GUEST WITH E PLUS THE STORYTELLER, Mr. David constructively dissects this discourse, as he points us to the urgent need of restoring the entire system. Enjoy your read!

E PLUS The Storyteller: Thank you sir, for joining us on this special edition of MEET THE GUEST with E PLUS The Storyteller.

David: Thank you.

E PLUS The storyteller: So, we are looking at the current situation that concerns the reading culture, and that is the sudden ‘invisibility’ of the Library, the question here, thus: Is The Library Gone?

David: The problem with this generation lies in the disinterest in history. No one wants to know happens in certain times, rather, more people are interested in just the current trending events like the latest bag, shoe, music, latest artist, richest individuals, est. Just the other, during a Live Show, some youths were actually asked if they have heard about the late footballer, Rashidi Yekini, and they replied that they had no clue. There are mentally lazy people who can’t go to the library or even have one, to update their general knowledge. Schools are replacing physical libraries with computers to prove that they are part of the trend, but I think computers should compliment, not replace.

   There is a wide gap in knowledge now. I doubt if this present generation are aware of things like ‘Tally Numbers’ that were given in the banking halls, way back in history. How many people in these generation, know about the way calls were made, before the emergence of GSM. The Library can actually be classified thus:


How many students have the desire to broaden their knowledge. Knowledge is interwoven, no knowledge exist in isolation. Scientist invents those tools the commercial people use. Students, no longer make use of the library for study time. Lecturers enrich themselves by taking advantage of digital handouts- copy, paste and print! Imagine producing one handout for N1500- how ridiculous! This invariably encourages laziness and complacency, thus lecturers are busy immersing wealth for themselves, rather than educating students, which forms the core essence of their profession. I bet you, if you do a survey today; many students have never been to a library. This is also having an adverse effect on the staff strength, and the maintenance of the Library. Let’s look at it critically; WhatsApp do you really need many staffs, for, when there is no one making use of the library?

 A computer shouldn’t replace a Book Shelf Library. The older generations are actually responsible for the decadence in the Library usage because there is negligence in directing the young ones. Information and events are no longer documented; people should be directed, inspired and motivated to get engaged in researches that would make them use the Library. There are few public Libraries that exist here and there in Lagos, but I doubt if they are all functional. It appears like they are all edifice set up for financial benefits, enriching certain class of people. Others have been converted to social gathering points, while some have been converted fully into event centers. We need to go back to the drawing board! 

E PLUS The Storyteller: Mr. David, thank you so much for the insightful, and comprehensive overview of the discourse, hopefully we will find a way, forward.

There you have it viewers! Deep reflections and great thoughts by our guest, an economist, writer, administrator and producer- Mr. David. You can also read more insightful piece written by Mr. David; Simply click on the link:

PLENTY NONSENSE... Written by David
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