A Business Administrator and a Family Therapist, Peace Egede (C.R.O, FRUITS N' BERRIES), takes us into her world of creativity and other explorations, plus the secret behind her resilience.
E PLUS The Storyteller We are very elated to have this chat interview with you, and you're welcome to E PLUS The Storyteller Exclusive Online Chat interview, tagged- MEET THE GUEST.
Fruits N' Berries: Thank you for having me, here.
E PLUS The Storyteller: Awesome! Now, it might be quite difficult to describe you and your brand in one sentence, however let's try! Owing to the multifaceted nature of your brand, can we get more insight? Apart from being the face and brain behind Fruits n Berries, who is Peace Egede?
Fruits N' Berries: Wow let's just say in my quest for knowledge, I have learned a lot through my life's journey.
I am a business administrator by profession, and family therapist.
E PLUS The Storyteller: Interesting! I guess we can also describe you as
'A woman of many colours, and many feathers?
Fruits N' Berries: I guess so.
E PLUS The Storyteller: Now, let's look at your brand, the first thing anyone observes about Fruits N' berries, is a combination of finese and excellence, how have you been able to translate these narratives into something tangible over the years?
Fruits N' Berries: When I started Fruits N' Berries, I had a clear vision of what I wanted, and that is a brand that is worth inheriting, either my offspring or someone. That has really helped me grow the business stage by stage. I am not in a hurry at all. So many brands, sprang up after me, and today they've faded, I have done different businesses before Fruits N' Berries that I had to learn from.
E PLUS The Storyteller: Hmmm.. very insightful...👍 So it's safe to say that every step draws one close to the bigger picture?
Fruits N' Berries: Exactly! And it's an exciting feeling because where I am now, is not where I was when I started.
I have been able to build a customer base that believe so much in my brand, and it gives a good feeling.
E PLUS The Storyteller: Absolutely, amazing! So, have you ever come across any difficult client? If yes, how did you manage the situation?
Fruits N' Berries : Oh, absolutely!
I had a training in customer relationship
coupled with the fact that I am a therapist by profession, I totally understand how the human mind works; if a client is giving you hard time, your ability to understand that whatever attitude or fear the client is displaying is who the client is, not what you or your business represent. That should help you not to get upset with the client, rather be patient with such clients, and show them empathy. However what I teach my staff to do is- if the client is so difficult that it affects your peace of mind, it's okay not to follow such clients up, but whenever they come back, be sure to treat them well.
E PLUS The Storyteller: Splendid!
Evidently, your professional approach has a ripple effect on your brand, I must say! And this interview won't be complete without mentioning all the options available in the Fruits N' Berries Brand, especially for our viewers who can't wait🙂, not leaving out the signature Greek Yoghurt💃🏻💃🏻💃🏻💃🏻
Fruits N' Berries: Yes, we have various products and we work with season and demands. Our special probiotic rich Greek yogurt
Fruit parfait
Flavoured probiotic yoghurt drinks
Rich Smoothies
Fresh fruits and vegetables both local and continental
Detox teas
weight loss and weight gain products.
E PLUS The Storyteller: Hmm.. such awesome, healthy and delightful varieties.. what else, can anyone ask for?👏🏾👏🏾
I also notice your brand caters for various functions?
Fruits N' Berries: Yes we serve at events, consult for upcoming businesses and guide people through their weight management journey.
E PLUS The Storyteller: Remarkable indeed! How would you describe Peace Egede, and what keeps you going?
Fruits N' Berries: I am a very confident woman that finds so much pleasure in helping people unravel issues.
E PLUS The Storyteller: Peace Egede, Chief Responsibility Officer of Fruits N' Berries, it's been such an insightful time with you! The entire Creative Team of E PLUS The Storyteller celebrates your creativity and tenacity, we wish you all the best in your endeavours. Keep soaring👍. We look forward to telling more of your success stories.
There, you have it, viewers- The C.R.O, FRUITS N' BERRIES, Peace Egede. Now you know where you can get the best, freshest, most delicious and healthy combination of fruits, berries, and fruit juice! And whenever you want to get delicious Greek yogurt, FRUITS N' BERRIES, is just a click away.
For more enquiries, contact FRUITS N' BERRIES today on:
Whatsapp: 08171620975
Remember, @ FRUITS N' BERRIES, NO SUGAR, ARTIFICIAL SWEETENER OR EVEN HONEY, is added to the fruit Juice, the sweet taste is from NATURAL FRUIT .
You can also talk with Peace Egede on family, love and life issues, simply click the link below:
E PLUS The Storyteller We are very elated to have this chat interview with you, and you're welcome to E PLUS The Storyteller Exclusive Online Chat interview, tagged- MEET THE GUEST.
Fruits N' Berries: Thank you for having me, here.
E PLUS The Storyteller: Awesome! Now, it might be quite difficult to describe you and your brand in one sentence, however let's try! Owing to the multifaceted nature of your brand, can we get more insight? Apart from being the face and brain behind Fruits n Berries, who is Peace Egede?
Fruits N' Berries: Wow let's just say in my quest for knowledge, I have learned a lot through my life's journey.
I am a business administrator by profession, and family therapist.
E PLUS The Storyteller: Interesting! I guess we can also describe you as
'A woman of many colours, and many feathers?
Fruits N' Berries: I guess so.
E PLUS The Storyteller: Now, let's look at your brand, the first thing anyone observes about Fruits N' berries, is a combination of finese and excellence, how have you been able to translate these narratives into something tangible over the years?
Fruits N' Berries: When I started Fruits N' Berries, I had a clear vision of what I wanted, and that is a brand that is worth inheriting, either my offspring or someone. That has really helped me grow the business stage by stage. I am not in a hurry at all. So many brands, sprang up after me, and today they've faded, I have done different businesses before Fruits N' Berries that I had to learn from.
E PLUS The Storyteller: Hmmm.. very insightful...👍 So it's safe to say that every step draws one close to the bigger picture?
Fruits N' Berries: Exactly! And it's an exciting feeling because where I am now, is not where I was when I started.
I have been able to build a customer base that believe so much in my brand, and it gives a good feeling.
E PLUS The Storyteller: Absolutely, amazing! So, have you ever come across any difficult client? If yes, how did you manage the situation?
Fruits N' Berries : Oh, absolutely!
I had a training in customer relationship
coupled with the fact that I am a therapist by profession, I totally understand how the human mind works; if a client is giving you hard time, your ability to understand that whatever attitude or fear the client is displaying is who the client is, not what you or your business represent. That should help you not to get upset with the client, rather be patient with such clients, and show them empathy. However what I teach my staff to do is- if the client is so difficult that it affects your peace of mind, it's okay not to follow such clients up, but whenever they come back, be sure to treat them well.
E PLUS The Storyteller: Splendid!
Evidently, your professional approach has a ripple effect on your brand, I must say! And this interview won't be complete without mentioning all the options available in the Fruits N' Berries Brand, especially for our viewers who can't wait🙂, not leaving out the signature Greek Yoghurt💃🏻💃🏻💃🏻💃🏻
Fruits N' Berries: Yes, we have various products and we work with season and demands. Our special probiotic rich Greek yogurt
Fruit parfait
Flavoured probiotic yoghurt drinks
Rich Smoothies
Fresh fruits and vegetables both local and continental
Detox teas
weight loss and weight gain products.
E PLUS The Storyteller: Hmm.. such awesome, healthy and delightful varieties.. what else, can anyone ask for?👏🏾👏🏾
I also notice your brand caters for various functions?
Fruits N' Berries: Yes we serve at events, consult for upcoming businesses and guide people through their weight management journey.
Fruits N' Berries: I am a very confident woman that finds so much pleasure in helping people unravel issues.
E PLUS The Storyteller: Peace Egede, Chief Responsibility Officer of Fruits N' Berries, it's been such an insightful time with you! The entire Creative Team of E PLUS The Storyteller celebrates your creativity and tenacity, we wish you all the best in your endeavours. Keep soaring👍. We look forward to telling more of your success stories.
There, you have it, viewers- The C.R.O, FRUITS N' BERRIES, Peace Egede. Now you know where you can get the best, freshest, most delicious and healthy combination of fruits, berries, and fruit juice! And whenever you want to get delicious Greek yogurt, FRUITS N' BERRIES, is just a click away.
For more enquiries, contact FRUITS N' BERRIES today on:
Whatsapp: 08171620975
Remember, @ FRUITS N' BERRIES, NO SUGAR, ARTIFICIAL SWEETENER OR EVEN HONEY, is added to the fruit Juice, the sweet taste is from NATURAL FRUIT .
You can also talk with Peace Egede on family, love and life issues, simply click the link below:
Talk With Peace..
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