CREATIVE E PLUS The Storyteller.

✓Any time you have the urge to react irrationally, pause, ponder and reflect! You might just see, clearer!

✓Keep in touch with reality, but never allow your illusion to becloud your sense of reasoning.

✓Be a critical thinker, a constructive one!
✓Don't be that person you will eventually be ashamed of.

✓Be accomodating, a receptive mind is the door way to opportunities, it might just be closer than you think.
✓Remember, your creative potentials can only be undermined by you, when you give others the permission.

✓Add two and two together in every analysis you make, while you still give others a chance to say their own side of the story, you never know, you might find something, valuable.

✓Creativity distinguishes you from the crowd, don't be afraid to explore.

✓You are your number one fan, don't wait for the crowd to cherr you up before you try.

✓A Creative mind is never afraid of exploring, keep on exploring!
✓Collaboration with like minds brings more to the table.

✓You can be deliberate about your goals, at least begin to see the picture, and before long, you will be standing face to face with the real deal!

✓God is the greatest creator, He has already set the pace for creativity, tap into it! Your mindset is key!

✓Inspiration is everywhere, look closely and you will see!

✓Remember, inspiration is the bedrock of Creativity, you can explore yours today!
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Contact: 07081536821, 08028489362.
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# Storytime
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