CHIEF EZE HAS DONE IT AGAIN... A Story by E PLUS The Storyteller.

Yesterday, I returned from the shop very late, in fact I was so tired that I slept off, leaving the akpu and okazi soup my wife had prepared for me, unattended to. Anyway, that is how I woke up today o! And I heard the news as early as 6.30am. You won't believe what my wife told me! Chai!

Do you know that, our village has been sold! Aru!(Abomination). How did it all happen? According to my wife, news have it that, some ladies from the city came into the village with a proposal to build new houses and construct new roads. They said that they were from International Organisation.

The Igwe welcomed them with opened arms, and after some months of projections, they made the Igwe to sign a contract that would help execute these projects.

Everything was going according to plan, when Chief Eze approached the ladies, and asked them to give him audience. In no time, he had convinced them that he could give them, and their organisation, a better deal! Quite intrigued and expectant, the ladies obliged him, few days later, they arrived at the palace with a signed and sealed document to take over the village. To say the least, the Igwe was shocked at what he read- His signature had been forged as an authorisation for the International Organisation to take over the occupancy of the village! It also came along with a receipt!

"And you said, Chief Eze told you that you have my backing?" The Igwe exclaimed.

"Yes, Igwe. He gave us the impression that he was acting on your behalf, and until now, he actually said there was no reason to doubt him. He said that everyone in the village was leaving for another land." One of the Ladies said.

The Igwe remained still and quiet for a very long time before he responded.

"Chief Eze has done it again! First, it was the kingdom he attempted to sell, now it is the entire village! Chai!" The Igwe lamented. Then, he looked at the ladies.

"Young Ladies, I know you value your job, and that is why you must remain focused. Our village is not for sale o! This village has been in existence since the days of our fore father's, and it's priceless, please pay no attention to any form of scam!" The Igwe said.

"Really! And we had projected that our company would yield from the resources of this land." One of the ladies exclaimed.

"Well, I guess we have to get our money back!" Another lady said.

   Then, the Igwe heaved a heavy sigh.

"Hmmm... The problem is, we don't know his whereabout. He has been missing for some days, now." The Igwe said.

"What!?" They Chorused.

So that's what my wife told me ooo! Please we are still looking for Chief Eze, he is currently at large, and apparently has no plan of returning. Biko help us find him.. Nna nu go?

A Story by E PLUS The Storyteller.
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