
Showing posts from March, 2021

DICEY(PART 3) Written by E PLUS The Storyteller.

                   DICEY (PART 3)     Written by E PLUS The Storyteller. Trishia's wedding turned out to be such a huge fun fair as friends took to the dance floor, everyone had such an amazing time, and I couldn't help noticing the smile on the couple's face, and I said to myself, Love is such an amazing experience. Steve had successfully taken down my number, after much resistance. On a second thought, I felt it wasn't such a big deal, afterall I had his complimentary card.       The cab driver delayed quite a bit but I managed to arrive home before dark. For some reasons, I wasn't hungry so I decided to just settle down with a cup of cold  orange drink. Then my mind began to drift away, I remembered when Trishia and the rest of us would race down the street for a cup of chocolate drink, it was so much fun!  How time flies! I pondered. While I stared at my reflection in the Standing mirror, I ran my h...

PLENTY GIST FROM CHURCH... Written by E PLUS The Storyteller

  PLENTY GIST FROM CHURCH ... Written by E PLUS The Storyteller. Joan : Sister Emily are you back? Emily: Yes o! Sister Joan, I'm back o! I just entered the house sef, how far? Any gist? Joan : Yes o! Plenty gist from Church. Emily: In fact, I'm coming to your house now now! Joan : I trust you... Oya, I dey wait o! No forget to bring wetin you buy come ooo. Emily: No wahala. (Two hours later, Emily arrives at Joan's house) Emily: How far? Sister Joan, gist me nau... Joan : In fact no be small tin oo, you remember that sister that I told you about? Emily: Which of dem? You no say dem plenty wey you dey tell me about. Joan : I'm taking about the Lady with the accommodation problem, the one dat her Landlord drove her out of the house, the other day! Emily: Yes! Yes! I remember! Sister Mariam, how far? what's the latest gist? she don see house? Joan : Na you give am house? Emily: Abi na! Make I ask. Joan : Anyway... Gist has it that, she is about to move in with the Ade...

DICEY.. Wriitten by E PLUS The Storyteller.

                         DICEY(PART 2)           Written by E PLUS The Storyteller .  Instantly, I remembered that Mike had actually promised to stop at my office to see me before heading for a transaction, nearby. As I held on to the phone, I quickly beckoned on Steve that I was leaving, and quickly he slipped his complimentary card into my left hand. In less than five minutes, I had gotten to the office, and met Mike waiting in his car, and l joined him. Mike gave me a suspicious stare. " What? I just went off for a drink, and snacks." I reacted. " But you know I was coming to see you, Loretta ." Mike said, quite grumpily. " And that shouldn't stop me from having brunch, Mike." I snapped. And there was momentary silence, at that point I just wanted to head back to the office.  " How are you?" Mike finally spoke. " I'm fine ." I replied. "I was hoping we could get away this weekend, w...
DICEY Written by E PLUS The Storyteller.  Immediately, he came into the hall, my heart sank, and all I could do was hold my breath as he stared keenly at my direction amidst the crowd. I felt like vanishing! Then, he stepped forward, and held the mic, clearing his throat for the umpteenth time before he began to make his speech. Simultaneously, my mind began to drift away with echoes of his voice, and those words he said to me, the very first time we met. " Hi, you look georgeous, can I pay for your drink ?" He said with a smirk.   Then, I turned around to see who had just spoken. He was quite young, apparently I was older, yet the audacity in his voice was the attraction for me. I took off my sun glasses, and smiled, before saying a word. " So, I guess georgeous ladies now have a free ticket for drinking " I replied. " Hahaha! Nice one! Okay you beat me to it. I am just a silly flirt, caught red handed by a gorgeous lady." He exclaimed. " Hahaha!...

THE PREPAID METRE WAHALA... The Reality of My Country. Written by E PLUS The Storyteller

THE PREPAID METRE WAHALA...   The Reality of My Country.  Written by E PLUS The Storyteller On my way home, after a very long, and engaging day, all I could picture was a glass of chilled water, and a sumptuous meal to go hand in hand with, however nothing had prepared me for the sudden news I received immediately I arrived home. "NEPA don cut una light o." One of my neighbours whispered with a countenance that spoke volumes. Instantly, I was ready to have a chat with the PHCN team that were responsible for the development, thankfully they were still within reach thus I headed on, and the conversation ensued thus: ME: Good afternoon sir. PHCN OFFICER: Good afternoon. ME: Learnt that you just disconnected the light to my house. PHCN OFFICER: Hmmm... The house by the left, abi? ME: Yes, Meanwhile we already paid for a Pre-Paid metre, and the care taker is in charge of that, where does that leave us? PHCN: Well, you will need to come over to the office for capturing, where all t...


                THE FIERY CLIENT.       (A BRAND STORYTELLING SERIES)         Written by E PLUS The Storyteller So your Brand Story is emerging in many more ways than you can envisage, How? You might ask?  If all the Feedbacks you get from your clients are anything to go by, then you have got more than enough contents to explore. In the course of your Business venture, you will most definitely come across prospects, and clients who will rub off the wrong way with an attitude that is a 'No-no', but guess what? You can actually use those 'negative energy' as a tool for further advancement.  Somebody needs to know what it feels like to be in 'those shoes'. Where there times that you felt like giving up, because your efforts were undermined? What was it like when 'such clients' kept spitting fire, and brimstone? Did you feel betrayed by the unpleasant feedbacks? What would you rather do differently? Are the...


  POSITIVE WORDS THAT PARENTS       SHOULD  TEACH THEIR CHILDREN.        Written by  E PLUS The Storyteller . At some point in life, children will have to face the realites of the odds and challenges that come with it. Equipping them with the right resource that is necessary to develop a positive attitude, and one of those resources are words of affirmation that sets them on the right path. Let your children get use to them.            I  am an overcomer            I am not a loser            I stand tall in the midst of adversity            I stand for truth, always           I  will walk with my head, high           Knowing that I am confident           Failure is not the end of the road for me           ...

THE INTERVIEWER... Written by E PLUS The Storyteller

THE INTERVIEWER.. . Created by E PLUS The Storyteller. She wasn't up to the age of 10, yet her disposure gave her away as one who had a grasp of life. She looked quite distant, and one could tell that she was quite exhausted. Slowly, I headed for her direction, and it all appeared like a coincidence, She turned around, and those eyes just stared on.. A middle aged man walked up to her, and with a smirk on his face, held her hands, and she beckoned on me to help her, echoing these words: Beauty is Priceless... I just want to be happy again. Quite unsure of my next action, yet I knew I had to do something, then I beckoned on the middle aged man to wait. He seemed quite upset as he was quite eager to go away with the little girl. Reluctantly, he moved towards me, and stared keenly. " Madam, na wetin you want? Na wetin you dey do for here, sef? I neva see dis your face fo dis our area, before?" The middle aged man, interrogated. " Abeg, no vex. I be writer, and e get so...
                  YES TO YOUR WILL..           Written by E PLUS The Storyteller.  She cried and cried until she couldn't feel a single  pain anymore! Her world had turned around for the worse! Her friends had deserted her and called her names! Her parents had disowned her and pushed her out of the house.   " How!? How could you you bring shame to us? and you know we occupy one of the highest seats in Church!" Her Mother had screamed.  "Listen, pack your things and leave now! We can no longer condole you here!" Her Father had yelled at her as he pushed her outside the house. She let out a painful sound and as she struck her feet on the pavement, she stumbled and fell down flat with her protruding stomach! Yes! She was pregnant!   She had taken in at the age of 19 for a truck driver who raped her on her way returning home. She sat down, helpless and cried until she could cry no more...

MY SCHOOL DIARY... Created by E PLUS The Storyteller

  MY SCHOOL DIARY Dear Diary... My name is Junior, and I love my parents, I have great friends both at home, and in School. Talking about School, there is a particular teacher who is always angry. She raises her voice, calls us names, and knocks us on the head, she even has a nickname given to her by the students, they call her'Madam Terror'.  During one of the lesson period, Madam Terror, gave one of my classmates a heavy knock on the head because he was slow to write. She even went as far as insulting his parents. The rest of us were quite perplexed because we felt that the student didn't deserve it. As soon as I returned from School, I told my mum about the incident, and she was extremely angry. " This has got to stop! What sort of teacher does that! " My mum exclaimed. Later that day, after dinner, I laid on my bed, and all that played out in my head was the way Tokunbo cried in pain, from the heavy knock the teacher had given him on his head, sometimes I wond...

How to Cook Ukodo...By E PLUS The Storyteller

                  UKODU Recipe:   Yam   Plantain      Native black fish (or any fish of your choice.) You can include beef, goat meat or chicken.   You need the native peppersoup spice or simply buy the packaged one(already grounded.), Crayfish, grounded dried pepper, onion, little akawu and salt.(You can add maggi- I don't cook with Maggi.) Cooking process. Cook the beef, goat meat or chicken well enough. Cut the yam and unripe plantain in moderation. Wash and put them in a measurable amount of water, add adequate salt and allow to heat up for a minute, add the grinded peppersoup spice and the grinded dried pepper(you can also include the boiled beef/goat meat /chicken.), add the dried native fish. Close the pot and allow all the recipes to boil. In few minutes, you will begin to percieve the irresistible native aroma from your kitchen. At E PLUS kitchen, we love t...