Abigail dropped the call immediately and peeped through her window. She saw Chief driving through the gate. Abigail was amazed at the instant response or was it just a coincidence? She pondered. Chief came out of his car and headed towards the Door. As he knocked on the Door, Abigail quickly seized an air freshener and sprayed round the house, then she opened the door. Chief entered the house, all smiles while Abigail looked disturbed. He looked at her and was puzzled. 
"Abigail baby, why are you frowning again? What is the problem? I kept calling your phone yesterday but you refused to pick, where did you go?"Chief said in one breath. Abigail sighed. " Chief, I went out only to return to the News that I am being evicted by my Landlord! and you know that you have paid more than a year! What happens now?" Abigail lamented. Chief shrouded his shoulders and remained quiet for a while and then he chuckled. Abigail stared at him surprisingly. "Chief, did you hear me? What is funny?" Abigail queried angrily, feeling slightly disappointed.
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