It was virtually 9.00pm when Abigail returned home. 
A bit drowsy, she reached out for her keys as she searched her handbag. Then, behind her, she heard a voice call her attention. 
     "Hmmm! Abigail! Welcome o!" A young man said.
    Abigail turned around to see who it was.
     "Ah! Sule, how far..Good evening!" Abigail responded as she managed to be cheerful.
   "Na wa o! Where you go since?" Sule asked . Abigail was quite taken aback by the interrogation however she responded.
     "Hmmm..I went out..anything?" She asked further. 
     Sule gesticulated dramatically as he clapped both hands.
      "Nothing much! e just be say Oga Land lord won see us, all the tenants first thing tomorrow morning." He said.
      "Really!?" Abigail exclaimed.
      "Yes o! I been bring your own letter before but you no dey for House. See, na your own letter be dis!"  Sule added as he handed Abigail a note. Abigail received it and without looking at it, she dropped it in her bag and quickly turned to Sule.
       "Okay, no problem! Thank you." Abigail replied.
 Sule for a moment remained still like he had no intension to leave. Abigail was puzzled. "Sule! Anything? I said thank you, I will read the note inside." Abigail emphasized. Sule smiled and gesticulated with both hands stretched forward.
       "Abigail you know nau! No be evri tin person go dey talk for outside na." Sule teased. Abigail pondered for a moment, then she seemed to realize what Sule implied.
 She bent over and dipped her hand in her bag and brought out money, then she handed it to him.
  "Correct!!! You too much o! Thank you well well!" Sule exclaimed as he ran off excitedly. 
    Soon, Abigail was in her apartment.
She settled down on the cushion and brought out the note Sule had just handed to her. Then she opened it and immediately Abigail saw the content, she was enraged!
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