The entire Day seemed longer for Abigail as she paced about her apartment restlessly, anticipating the arrival of the 'New Landlord.' She wondered why her Landlord had waited so long before giving out the information. As quirky as he could be, Abigail was unsure if she might still prefer the 'New one.' Her Landlord had informed her of his arrival later in the day howecer
     However, her advanced rental payment worried her the most and she could not wait to get it all resolved. Meanwhile, the other tenants had began to move out considering they had nothing to loose since most of them were indebted. Abigail could hear their chattering as they moved their luggages. For most part of the situation, Abigail had become more restless after a very long wait. Then, she decided to call Chief, after all, he footed the bill and Abigail thought it was not out of place to inform him of the latest development. She dialed his number..
  Chief picked up the call immediately.
"Hello Chief, there is a latest development you need to know, can you come over?" Abigail said anxiously.
"Ah! I'm already at the gate sef!" Chief exclaimed.
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