While Abigail lamented over her present predicament, there was a knock on the Door. Sluggishly, she walked towards the Door and opened it. Tessy cheerfully walked in as she flung herself on one of the cushions.
          "Madam, well-done o! So you just went out through out yesterday and you did not even bother to call or text at least to find out if I am still alive?" Tessy said aloud, almost at the top of her voice. Abigail just looked lost.
Tessy immediately knew Abigail's mind was engrossed with thoughts. She drew closer and waved her right hand Infront of Abigail's eyes to get her attention but Abigail was oblivious. Then Tessy snapped both fingers close to her ears, still Abigail did not respond.  Tessy was taken aback by Abigail's state, then she screamed.
Abigail flipped off her feet with a start as she shook out of her oblivion. She looked at Tessy for a while like she had just seen someithing.
      "Abigail, are you alright?" Tessy asked curiously. Abigail shook her head. Tessy was even more puzzled.
           "Really? What's the problem? Tessy pressed on.
    "Tessy, I'm confused." Abigail said in very low tone.
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