(The Tale of a City Girl.)
           written by the Story Teller
         Ejiro Emenike Ukaumune
   One could tell from the resounding tone of the Landlord that there was some sort of serious News on the way and quite a number of times, everyone present at the meeting adjusted on their seats, restlessly. The Landlord flipped through a small Book he held and carefully stared at each page , then he looked up again, cleared his throat for the umpteenth time.
 "So like I said previously, there is a new Development." He repeated. Abigail could not wait to hear whatever it was that  the Landlord had to say. As far as she was concerned, nothing could be more of a News than the note she had received  from Sule the previous night. She stole another glance at its content and still saw the heading: _Eviction_!
  ''Well, as you all are aware or let me just say many of you here must have heard about the eviction planned to be executed in this compound." The Landlord stated as he paused to check on everyone's countenance before proceeding. No one seemed surprised by his initial statement then he commenced.
"Well, after carefully pondering over the decision to evict , I decided to call this meeting for further clarification." The Landlord said as he paused again, this time, even Longer than he had done  previously done.
Then, suddenly, someone spoke. "Oga Landlord, I want to ask o! How many of us are affected and could you give us a reason?" He exclaimed. Abigail soon became restless!


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