
 The Landlord looked sternly at the man who just spoke. He shook his head in disdain. In as much as he did not appreciate the man's effrontery, he knew others were anticipating his response.
 "Mr Bassey or whatever you call yourself, I guess everyone here by now knows their position and I believe I don't need permission before I take certain actions over my property." The Landlord replied in a rather confrontational tone. A very long silence followed, then Abigail raised her right finger,  signalling that she had something to say. The Landlord beckoned on her to speak.
  Abigail stood up.
   "em..Mr Landlord, when I returned Home yesterday,  I received this letter from Sule, the security Watch and when I read the content, I was enraged: _eviction_? How? I still have one year running so how can I be evicted? What about my money, then? Is there no refund?" Abigail lamented.
The Landlord shook his head as he laughed out loud.."em..Sisi Abigail, calm down, we will be working something out for you." He said. The other tenants began to mumur.
   In few more minutes, the meeting ended and every other person dispersed except Abigail. She wasn't satisfied with the Landlord's resolution thus she met him one on one. "Oga Landlord, I don't understand when you said you will be working something out for me.." She exclaimed. The Landlord smiled. "Don't worry, you will be meeting with the New Landlord shortly and he will take up from there." The Landlord responded.  Abigail became even more puzzled.
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