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Every in the Dance Troup was ecstatic! No one ever envisaged such generous gesture from a fan!
Abigail was very surprised at such amount given just to appreciate a performance. She began to imagine what the deal with the woman would yield. Abigail could hardly curtail her excitement however she managed to hold back.
The Dancing Festival eventually ended and everyone who attended could hardly stop talking about the event. Abigail and the other members of the Dance Troup headed out of the square and by the exit point Samuel handed everyone their share of the money given to them by the middle aged woman. Apparently, there was no complain as everyone smiled satisfactorily bading one another good bye. Abigail quickly put hers in her bag without counting. Then, she turned to Samuel.
"So, can I have my note pad now?" She said like she had lost hope of ever getting it back. Samuel stared at her for a while and Abigail felt kind of awkward. She was so exhausted that she couldn't wait to leave. Samuel
Then, hesitantly, Samuel brought out a note pad from his bag strapped around his chest. He stretched it forward and Abigail quickly reached out to get it, suddenly, he held on to her hand. Abigail was puzzled!
"I hope you had fun?" He asked. Abigail thought deeply before she could respond. She knew if she wanted to be candid, the answer to that question was obviously 'Yes!' however, she didn't want to let down her gourd.
"Well, I must say, I never expected all these in one Day. I only came for my Note pad and here I am, now a member of a Dance Troup! No thanks to you, Samuel." Abigail exclaimed.
"So, does that mean there's no next time?" Samuel pushed on. Abigail was short of words.
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