"So, where and where have you searched?" Mr Desmond asked.
 Onome pondered for some seconds.🤔
 "Hmmmmm, Uncle, many places oh! even one of his best friend's house, he wasn't there." Onome replied.
  "So, you people have not informed the police?" Onome's uncle asked.
 Onome shook her head. After a while, her uncle sighed.
 "Well, I will ask my men to start searching everywhere." Mr Desmond said.
Onome dropped to her feet and held on to her uncle's feet.
 "Uncle thank you! Uncle thank you!"😢 She cried out.
 " if you people carry me along in your affairs, you wouldn't have problem at all." Mr Desmond emphasized..
 "Uncle, there is another thing."😒
Onome added quickly.


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