Everyone was home already and Onome and her family had just finished the Akara and pap her mother prepared for dinner.
 "Mama, this akara no reach o." Ese, the second son said. Onome's mother just gave him a stern look that sent him back to a corner.
 All along, Onome was anxious to hear her parents' response on the principal's proposal.
 "Onome, go bring water for me to drink, abeg." Her dad said as he finished the last akara on his plate.
 "Okay sir." Onome said as she hurriedly brought a bowl of water to her dad. She say close to him for a while, hoping he would remember to raise the issue concerning her invitation to Lagos.
 "Ehn ehn, Onome, anybody come look for me today?" Her father asked suddenly. Just then, Onome remembered the envelope.


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