Few minutes later, Onome was woken up by a tap on her shoulder. She hurriedly sat up and adjusted herself. Standing in front of her was her uncle, Mr Desmond!
 Torn between emotions, Onome was overwhelmed with joy on seeing him.
  "em..uncle! Good afternoon sir." She greeted as she sprang up to her feet.😀
Her uncle beckoned on her to seat down. "Hmmm..You are all grown now oh!" Mr Desmond said with a smile.
Onome smiled back, still nervous though.
 "You children of nowadays, you just eat and eat and grow like agric." Mr Desmond continued. Onome smiled continuously.
 "Welcome, ehn. but I'm surprised oo..your father allowed you to come and see me?" Mr Desmond exclaimed. Onome was dumb struck for few seconds.
 "Uncle..actually, it's my father I came to see you about." Onome said with a shaky voice.
 "Your father? I hope he is well?" Her uncle asked anxiously.😟


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