GOD CANNOT BE MOCKED..Written by E PLUS The Storyteller.


            BY E PLUS The Storyteller.

 Have you counted how many times you have disappointed, or offended God, yet you are still alive? Despite all our shortcomings, God still gives us Opportunities to start anew. 

However, I guess we do not want to take His perseverance for granted, deliberately!

 Are we God users, or God pleasers?

Do we find pleasure in our lust?

Do we have to continue giving excuses, just to have our way all the time?

Remember, God cannot be mocked!

He is all knowing...

He searches the very depth of our soul, and knows every bit of our intentions.

God cannot be mocked!

We must give Him Glory, and honour, and also show appreciation for His loving kindness towards us, even as a people.

Let's be deliberate about our walk with God.

Let's stop the deceit

And thrive for maturity

God, cannot be mocked!

E PLUS The Storyteller.


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