THE DENIAL(PART 5) Written by E PLUS The Storyteller.

 Esther paced about the entire house, and occasionally peeped through the window for any sign of Princewill.

She had become very anxious, and quite unsure. Tokunbo, her mother walked into the sitting room.

"Relax! He will definitely be here, when a man is ready, he is ready. The moment you told me about his intentions, I knew he wasn't kidding." Tokunbo said.

"Thanks mum,for the reassuring words." Esther responded.

"Come, join me in the kitchen, let's put some finishing-touches to the meal." Tokunbo urged Esther, on.

An hour later, the door bell rang. Esther rushed to the door, and opened it. She almost screamed when she saw Princewill. They both embraced each other, as he stepped in.

"How are you?" Princewill asked.

"I'm good." Esther replied, and they both headed for the sitting room where Esther beckoned on Princewill to take a seat. For a moment, Esther had become quite jittery, as she was short of words. Whilst she stood, staring at Princewill, her mother walked in, from the kitchen.

 Immediately, Princewill stood, and greeted.

"Good morning ma, good to see you." Princewill said, quite courteously.

"My dear, you are welcome, please have your seat." Tokunbo responded.

"So, you are the young man? " Tokunbo said.

"Yes ma'am, the young man who is in love with your daughter." Princewill responded. Tokunbo paused, with a grin on her face. 

"Hmmm, you know...when it comes to two people in a relationship, I tell you.. Love  is not enough." Tokunbo echoed.

Immediately, Princewill and Esther exchanged glances, a bit alarmed. 

"There must be something extra that can make that love stand the test of time. Are you willing to stand by my daughter,  come what may?" Tokunbo asked. Princewill turned to Esther, and after a careful thought, he responded.

"Yes ma'am, I am. I have made up my mind. She is the one I want to spend the rest of my life with." 

"Hmmm...Okay, then. I have little story to share. It's about Esther" Tokunbo said.

Princewill, became more attentive, while Esther became apprehensive.

"Okay ma..." He responded.

The Story continues..

_From everyday conversation or experience, there is a narrative playing out, and you can actually anchor your experience on the minors or majors, whichever you choose, be sure of one thing- it all adds up to your outlook to life.._
_Choose wisely_
_Be descrete_
_Be inspired_
_Be creative_

_Everyone has a story to tell..._
_Everyone has a creative side that needs expression_
_Remember, Inspiration is the bedrock of Creativity, you can explore yours today!_✍🏽
_Now, you can register for E PLUS The Storyteller online Creative Writing Skills, Visual Arts Communication, Blogging and Storytelling Courses_

_Special courses on *Voice Over* is also available_

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