THE DENIAL (PART 3)... Written by E PLUS The Storyteller.

 THE THE DENIAL (PART 3)... Written by E PLUS The Storyteller.

It was already weekend, and Esther decided to spend some time with Tokunbo, her mother. While cooking, Tokunbo noticed Esther's countenance, and stared at her for a moment.

"Esther, Kilode?(What is it?) There is something you are not telling me o!" She lamented. Esther forced a smile on, and turned to her mother.

"Mummy, you sef! You worry too much, I'm fine." Esther snapped as she continued chopping the vegetables.

"Ah! What's a mother to do? We must worry o! Abi? You are my business, and I can't afford to ignore you." Tokunbo continued, and after a while, Esther responded.

"Well, mummy, can I talk to you?" 

"Sure, you know you can." Tokunbo replied anxiously.

"Hmmm...there is this guy, a colleague  who I have been seeing for some time now....

"Eh...ehn? Has he hurt you? What has he done to my daughter?" Tokunbo said, as she panicked.

"No...mummy...not that. He...he is asking to meet my parents, formally." Esther said. Suddenly, Tokunbo's countenance changed, she became apprehensive, heaving a very heavy sigh. She looked at her daughter.

"Hmmm... Do you feel comfortable with him?" Tokunbo asked.

"Yes, mum. I really do." Esther replied.

"How long have you been seeing each other?" Tokunbo asked further.

"A year." Esther replied.

"Is he aware of your story?" Tokunbo went on. At this moment, Esther remained silent for a while.

"Mummy, I haven't told him anything about my upbringing. Not sure how to start." Esther replied, quite nervously.

"Hmmm... Okay.  Encourage him to come, we will take it up, from there.  There is nothing God can't handle." Tokunbo said.

"Oh! Mum! Thank you." Esther exclaimed as she embraced her mother . 

"Oya o! Let's check the oil o! It should be hot enough by now." Tokunbo said as she drew Esther's attention to the oil on fire. Quickly, Esther added some boiled chicken into the oil.

"Mummy, just a second." Esther said, as she went to the room. She picked up her phone, and dialed Princewill's number, after ringing for a while, there was no response.

  The story continues....



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