CONTENT and CONTEXT.. A Piece by E PLUS The Storyteller. So you are restless and having sleepless nights because of that story, those ideas that keeps flashing through your mind, and just like pregnancy, they keep growing. However, you are worried about the delivery, and you ponder over the million dollar questions: How Do I tell My Story? How do I share my ideas? These questions are very valid, and until they are well addressed, your narrative outlook might end up being obscure, and just like a coin with many sides, every narrative must be anchored on or situated within a context, that is an angle,v a perspective, a dimension or background- NO ART EXIST in a vacuum. Every story has an origin, even though it's just a figment of the imagination! The world is full of so many Storytellers, but not everyone is relating: How Do You Bridge the Gap? First, o...
Showing posts from February, 2021
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WEARING DIFFERENT HATS IN STORYTELLING..( E PLUS The Storyteller Creative Writing Skills, Visual Arts Communication, Blogging and Storytelling.) The ability to bridge the gap in many more ways than one, in a narrative, is a creative skill that stands one out in the field of STORYTELLING. How one is able to juxtapose various elements such as the plots, the characters, the transition, the scenes, e.t.c lies within the tenates of Creative Writing Skills, Visual Arts Communication, Blogging and Storytelling. Now, beyond the story and it's content, it's expedient to give your story, a decent closure, and as the narrator or Storyteller, your role in executing this, is anchored on how well you can interweave the voice of the characters and the message intended, without loosing your audience/viewers. Various rhetorical questions you can highlights: Who are your characters? What's the responsibility of every character in the story? What are the thought pattern...
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Brainstorming and Creative Writing S RECREATING A STORY FROM DIFFERENT DIMENSIONS... By E PLUS The Storyteller. (I have a special name for this narrative, if you really want to know what I call it, send a message to 07081536821.) So let's focus on the theme of this discourse. Apart from creating a story from that original idea, you can actually recreate more stories, as the ideas keep expanding from different dimensions. This could be from the beginning, middle or end of the story hence creating a twist to the narrative. Remember, the emphasis here is to recreate a story from an already existing story, thus the intention is not to discard it, rather it's to establish or introduce new concepts and ideas. You might want to still maintain the characters, the locations, the theme and other elements in the story however, changes could be reflected in the plots or vice versa. The Creative explorations are inexhaustible. Now, let's get practical. Read the Story bel...
ADRENA'S PRIDE... Written by E PLUS The Storyteller.
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" Adrena, who is this, what's going on here? " Mikel asked, curiously. Without saying a word, Adrena walked away, and hurriedly headed out of the club, while Mikel followed behind. As they went out, the young man followed. " Adrena! Is this the reason you abadoned me ?" The young man voiced out. Mikel moved closer, and began to challenge him. " How dare you talk to my fiancé like that! Why are you following us? Mikel yelled. " Oh! Really?" The young man exclaimed, while Adrena remained silent. Mikel returned to her, this time around, he was quite furious, and had become desperate. " Adrena, do you know this intruder? Say something!" Mikel asked, and Adrena looked at him, almost like she had become sober. " Yes, he is Charles." Adrena replied. " And, so? " Mikel exclaimed. " em... Mikel, it's complicated ." Adrena said, as she shuddered. "Then, uncomplicate it! This is becoming quite embarassing...
What's happening on the 20th, February, 2021?
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One of the hall marks of Managing a brand is CONTENT CREATION with right referencing, sourcing and outlook. What's your Niche? Find out, what's your Niche? Every Niche, translates to having an edge with its corresponding illustration, and anchor. It's all about have to be creative and skilful with your strategy, as it applies to Content Creation. When I see Brands what should keep resounding in my head, is: Content, and good Storytelling. This is an inseparable pair. You will capture more hearts every moment, when the balance is right, because everybody will be attracted to your brand...and then any other story that tags along. This is why building creative contents is one of the life wire of every brand.. This, and more will be discussed in the forthcoming Exclusive Online Session via Whatsapp, tagged: BRIDGING THE GAP BETWEEN STORYTELLING, AND GENERATING IDEAS. FACILITATORS : E PLUS The Storyteller (Creative Writing Skills, Visual Art Comm...
The Young Innovator...@E PLUS The Storyteller Creative Writing Platform
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THE YOUNG INNOVATOR. @E PLUS The Storyteller Creative Writing Platform He is 7 years old... He is an active member of E PLUS The Storyteller Creative Children Platform. He is called C.O.D... C.O.D is very creative and innovative, he is fast becoming an authority in the field of Storytelling, Creative Writing and Content Development. Whenever we talk, he always emphasises his desire, goals and dreams of cutting a niche for himself. C.O.D's Creative prowess speaks volumes, and here is one of the drawings of his proposed 'Game,' which comes in stages. Just listening to how he analyses the entire process, is amazing. Watch out for more innovations, and Creative Storytelling by C.O.D. @E PLUS The Storyteller, we celebrate ingenuity, and help budding talents and creative potentials thrive on visible plattforms. If you like to support E PLUS The Storyteller Creative Writing/Creative Content #creativity Skills, Visual Art Communication, Blogging, Voiceover and Storytelling ...
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.. .And because you are a champion, E PLUS The Storyteller congratulates you on answering correctly the Question: JOE BIDEN IS THE ____ PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES? Answer: 46th E PLUS The Storyteller, and the entire E PLUS The Storyteller Creative Team presents this Winners' Trophy to you, because you deserve it. Well done.
GOD CANNOT BE MOCKED..Written by E PLUS The Storyteller.
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GOD CANNOT BE MOCKED.... BY E PLUS The Storyteller. Have you counted how many times you have disappointed, or offended God, yet you are still alive? Despite all our shortcomings, God still gives us Opportunities to start anew. However, I guess we do not want to take His perseverance for granted, deliberately! Are we God users, or God pleasers? Do we find pleasure in our lust? Do we have to continue giving excuses, just to have our way all the time? Remember, God cannot be mocked! He is all knowing... He searches the very depth of our soul, and knows every bit of our intentions. God cannot be mocked! We must give Him Glory, and honour, and also show appreciation for His loving kindness towards us, even as a people. Let's be deliberate about our walk with God. Let's stop the deceit And thrive for maturity God, cannot be mocked! E PLUS The Storyteller.
YOUR HEALTH MATTERS : POKING?(Created by E PLUS The Storyteller.)
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YOUR HEALTH MATTERS. POKING? ( Created by E PLUS The Storyteller) I remember, one of those weekends when returning from the studio, while waiting for the vehicle to take off, I noticed a well dressed young man who appeared quite put together. His appearance gave him away as someone who is quite detailed. Coincidentally, he sat next to me, not quite long, the vehicle took off. Few minutes into the journey, my attention was drawn to what this young man began to do. Occasionally, he would poke his nose with his index finger, in an attempt to clean it up. And this continued until I got to my destination. Was I dissapointed? Yes! Was I surprised? Not really! You see, quite a number of us, are guilty of this same, unhealthy habit: POKING OF THE NOSE! It almost looks like, everyone lost something, and seem ...
FIRST ATTEMPT (The Groundnut Soup Experience) Written by E PLUS The Storyteller.
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FIRST ATTEMPT (The Groundnut Soup Experience) Written by E PLUS The Storyteller . I remember when I was always talking about cooking this Groundnut Soup, someday! Then, it looked like an insurmountable project due to my ever engaging schedule, I had no idea that it would be anytime, soon. I Love Groundnut Soup as I always enjoy the one, prepared by one of my very good friends. Then, the more I talked about preparing it, myself, the more I saw myself actually doing it. Then, at last! Came the day, it happened😀 Thank God for my 'Support System' (The people around you, really matter), they urged me on, especially my husband 🥰 who constantly said- "You can do it nau! No be one day dem dey use learn something?" and in my head, I'm like: "Abi oooo?" So, that boost was all I needed to get going. I made this Groundnut Soup on Saturday (12th,...
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THE HOLIDAY EXPERIENCE. Written by E PLUS The Storyteller . Few days before Christmas, I was actually thinking of where to spend my time. I had some few suggestions here, and there- My uncle's place? No! That one will use message to finish person: "Dele, come and wash my cloth! Dele come, and buy fuel..." Dele...this...Dele the time he is done with you, you no go even remember say na Christmas day. Then, the idea of Davidson's house, hmmm! That one, serious liability! He will be like "Abeg, bros you get two thousand wey you no dey use for there, I won rush, go arrange something!" That's all I get to hear🤦🏼♂️ Nah!!!! Not a great idea. While pondering over other options, I heard an announcement over the radio about a Christmas party, organised by one of my favourite eateries, and the invitation was opened to the entire public! Wow! For me, that was such a breath of fresh air, as I had actually decided to atte...
WHEN YOU ARE AWAY, HE ALWAYS...Written by E PLUS The Storyteller.
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WHEN YOU ARE AWAY, HE ALWAYS.... Written by E PLUS The Storyteller. My heart skips anytime you leave home. I become drenched in fear, and anxiety due to the uncertainty... Because when you are away.... He always creeps to my room... And begin to do the most unimaginable... Sometimes, I wonder and ponder... Is this some kind of animal... Or I need to look further... To get an answer... To this beastly act... Anytime, you are away... I cry, and cry... As he continues to try and try... To pin me down, under his painful arm... And I can't begin to count... How many times... He has succeeded... I have been wounded... Bruised... Cheated... Robbed off my innocence... And this all happens When you are away... Please stay! I pray! At, least, today😢 WHEN YOU ARE AWAY.. . Written by E PLUS The Storyteller. (THE CRY OF AN ABUSED AND SEXUALLY MOLESTED CHILD) #Saynotochildmolestation #saynotorape #saynoto...
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MINISTRATION IS NOT ENTERTAINMENT .....E PLUS The Storyteller. So, I'm lying down on my bed, and I'm quite restless because( Just like a pregnant woman) there is a resounding message that must be delivered, thus I stop deceiving myself that I am asleep(Lol), I get up, pick up my phone, and begin to put down the Inspiration as they come. These are thoughts inspired by God, Himself. MINISTRATION, is quite distinct from ENTERTAINMENT, you could actually entertain, without ministering, the distinction is all within the message. When it comes to Ministration, your expression is inspired by the message, which is anchored on the directives of the Holy Spirit. It is not a feel-good-one-moment-paparazi experience. This is why a Drunkard, a harlot, an abuser would watch a Drama Ministration, listen to a song ministration, and it would speak to his inner man, and a transformation would occur. We should constantly pray to get to that place of ministering to souls, as God co...