Frustration is an extreme sense of despair, the peak of anxiety and the point where everything can change. However, it all depends on what happens, afterwards.
Frustration is a negative feeling ,that makes you feel lost and confused.
You become very vulnerable and needy.
More often than not, you are at the mercy of people's empathy.
If your emotions become uncontrollable, there is every likelihood of an emotional melt down!
The Question thus: Is there a place of turn around to make things better?
Of course! You can fall, but you don't have to stay down! There is a time and season for every event or situation, fit yourself within the framework of possibilities, don't give yourself a death sentence- it can't be that bad, rather to the contrary, it can only get better.
How frustrated you are, right now is all in the making of that great story you will tell, eventually.
Be, in charge of the direction, you want to go, moving forward.
Take control of your emotions, look at the bright side of life, and explore all the possibilities.
Evaluate your priorities, and do not indulge in frivolities, for all you know, your creative potentials are yet, untapped, and you have the best days of your life, ahead of you.
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