Welcome to another edition of MEET THE GUEST.. hosted by E PLUS The Storyteller.
Join us, as Tobi Alaka, a blogger, and communication expert gives us more insight to the Creative World and her experience thus far...

Enjoy your read!

E PLUS The Storyteller: Welcome to E PLUS The Storyteller online Exclusive Chat interview tagged: MEET THE GUEST..with E PLUS The Storyteller.

 Tobi Alaka: Thank you, my pleasure.

E PLUS The Storyteller: So, you are one lady with many hats, and unarguably, very good at wearing them(no pun intended.) Tell us more about your journey?

Tobi Alaka: Honestly , it hasn't been easy, it starts from realising that you are alive, going through education, starting up with the employment race, and ending up as an inspirational blogger, and a  caterer ...it's been God and patience . I just thank God for his grace that allows continuity.

Tobi Alaka

E PLUS The Storyteller: Awesome..
So, is it right to say, that you get Inspiration from Life's experiences, even as a blogger?

Tobi Alaka: Yes, sure, everything I do in life has been all around inspirations I get from life experiences, when I fall, it's a process of learning, and when I stand it's always as a result of what I learnt,  everything about me has been about everything inspiring that I have been able to draw out of life. (Lol). I can even remember I got inspired to start my blog then after a breakup

E PLUS The Storyteller:Hmm.. interesting, Tell us more...

 Tobi Alaka: Really! (Lol) that is a long story. I've actually even forgotten most of it. Ok this is it- I dated someone then who happened to be one of the most caring person I have ever met , but ended up realising that he had an unresolved relationship, and threats came from the lady and everything just got complicated, we had to part, and it really traumatized me.. then, at that point I just felt:

"Why don't I transform that energy into something productive? Something I'll look back on after the grieve and be proud of?"

So you know? Most people know me with quotes , so I started with quotes of my blog , more of heartbreak quotes (Lol).. then eventually the vision got bigger.

 E PLUS The Storyteller: Wow!👏🏾👏🏾
Amazing! Talk about turning lemons to lemonades.🙂

 Tobi Alaka: Exactly (Lol)

E PLUS The Storyteller: So, let's talk about how you are able to juxtapose Writing and your catering business?

Tobi Alaka: To be candid, I had some blockage (In writing) for a while, during a trying time a year ago, I stopped writing to earn and I stopped my own personal post on my blog,  but as God would have it , I started as a presenter with an online radio and have most of inspirational write-ups turn to talks.

Oh I forgot to mention earlier I'm also a freelance radio presenter, I have a program called- Soul Clinic- on an online radio .

So for a while I've been doing less of writing and more of speaking, but I still make sure I post my observations of life and motivational write-ups on my social media pages, most especially WhatsApp, on a daily basis.

So you know with smartphones, social media is no stress, it doesn't affect my catering business at all, all schedules are properly allocated without anyone affecting the other .

E PLUS The Storyteller: Absolutely! 
How would you rate the writing industry in Nigeria?

Tobi Alaka: Maybe a 4 over 10, to be candid, I'm talking about all copywriters. I think they are not well appreciated. They are underated, under payed, and quite often, insulted.

The truth is, Nigerians don't see writers for who they are, I saw some post online about a popular celebrity maltreating her script writers, recently, and I laughed. I once worked with an event company as a content writer, and it was mentioned there that, scriptwriters are underpaid and treated badly, naturally in this part of the world.

I once wrote an advert content for a woman and she ended up paying my balance, less; saying that  it's something she could have writen by herself .

I once wrote for an online platform that used my write-ups, and ended up saying something else.

That's why I would never write to earn anymore, probably for my own personal business, or maybe probably when I write my own book ..(Lol)

E PLUS The Storyteller: Hmmm.. Thanks for the insight. So, where do we go from here? Any suggestions on how we can change this narrative?

Tobi Alaka: Seriously I don't know, probably we should just try to respect everything people do to earn a living. Put yourself in people's shoes; always, even as a boss. You are a human first, before any other thing.

I see how people try to beat people's job so low, as if they aren't aware of how life can be.

Patronise your friend, respect the labour people put into things, and be considerate. If you could do what they do, you won't have to pay them to do it, appreciate the fact that there are people to help you through your needs.

E PLUS The Storyteller: Splendid👏🏾👏🏾
How can you describe Tobi Alaka's brand?

Tobi Alaka: Hmm, I would see all I do or all I'm about, as a brand. I think as a brand I'm just someone who is all about  inspiring- My catering, my radio program, my quotes, my life style.

 I'm also inspired and always try to be an inspiration with all I do . You can be inspired by food- a hungry person would do things differently.

I feel everything about me, including my business is just about giving people hope, making them feel better , most especially feeling better about myself, while doing all these.

That is what I am all about.

E PLUS The Storyteller: Great!
How can we access Tobi Alaka's platform, and how can you be reached?

Tobi Alaka: To read my write-ups, you can visit alakatobi.blogspot.com  or just follow my status post via WhatsApp- 07054715629

For food services visit Cheztoi3 on any social media channel or contact the number above.

You can also contact me via the number above if you would like to feature on the Tell your story segment on radio program.

E PLUS The Storyteller: Awesome👍👍
Tobi Alaka, it's been such an insightful time with you. E PLUS The Storyteller and the entire Creative Team wish you all the best in all your endeavours.

Tobi Alaka: I'm honoured, thanks for having me .
Viewers, sure you have enjoyed every bit of this edition of MEET THE GUEST..with E PLUS The Storyteller. Remember to tell someone. You can also be on this exclusive online chat interview with E PLUS The Storyteller. Call or send a WhatsApp message to  07081536821, 08088534380.

Remember, inspiration is the bedrock of Creativity, you can explore yours, today!

For your online Creative Writing skills, Visual Arts communication, Blogging and Storytelling Program, call, text or send a WhatsApp message to 07081536821, 08088534380.
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