ADDICTION! .... By E PLUS The Storyteller.

Don't you think it's about time you grow up from that bad habit? It's been a long time coming, if we must be sincere!.

 What's your addiction? Drugs, pornography, food, medications, certain lifestyle e.t.c?

Well you must know these things do not have any control over you, certainly not!
 Actually, you give the mandate for them to have control over you.

 It's like a door. A door cannot shut or open itself, it takes someone to do that. Yes! It takes someone. It can only remain shut or open if a person decides not to do anything about it, likewise those addictions.
 Before those addictions became addictions, you had a choice to continue or not to continue! Don't give the excuse of not having control, actually the control lies in the choices you make so it's not true that you are helpless!

 It's time to walk away from those addictions that starts destroying you gradually, and eventually destroys everything you have, including your sanity.😒

 Do you know your addiction(whether it is pornography, drugs and others) estranges you from people? thus it builds a wall around you and isolates you from real people👬.

 Once you are addicted, you are literally married to it, so it makes it very difficult to have a 'Real relationship', yes! even if you are married! The home front is neglected, you become more and more unavailable thus you loose everything with time!
 The question is: would you rather give up on that addiction or face the reality of its consequences?😱



 You're probably just sitting or lying down on your bed and staring into space, wondering which direction life is taking you. Well, the question should be:
'Which direction are you taking in life?'
You see, you are alive, thus there are doors of opportunity just waiting to be opened and to a large extent, you have the keys. Time and chance God has given to all men.
 It is time to gather momentum and run down every brick wall barricading your vision, your dream.
 It is time to look up and see how wide the sky is and expand your horizon.
 It is time to set out targets for profitable ventures and avoid any form of procrastination because( you know what they say) protonation is the stealer of time.
 It is time to define your priorities and set them on speed dial!
It is time to pursue tenaciously, your Dreams, your vision with utmost sense of dedication and commitment.
Never give up on your dream! Never throw away your vision because it is the best legacy you will always represent!

   More often than not, we build bridges without touching a brick, we mend walls without hitting nails, we jump fences without raising arms! Thanks to the power of Creativity, the power to transcend all odds despite the confronting realities. Our innate capabilities to command and achieve the much needed change is not far-fetched when we consider the diverse talents that abound.
   My experience thus far as a Creative Writer and Creative Writing Skills, Visual Arts Communication, Blogging and Storytelling Coach, is invaluable as I observe various talents who find expressions in the in their endowments ranging from literature, drama, Creative writing, commentaries, poetry, art, spoken word, blogging and Story Telling.
 The passion for Creativity is a formidable lubricant for attaining positive change, manifested in these diverse creativities.
 Hence the power of 'The Pen'.
  I would state:
"He who holds the pen, has the power to create the future" and this cannot be over emphasized.
It can Build..
It can Destroy..
It can mend..
It can scatter..
It can unite..
It can establish..
It can destabilize..
It can control..
It can provoke..
It can mediate..
It can be biased..
It can create..
It can pull Down..
It can promote..
It can abuse..
The pen is controlled by what the heart communicates to the head..
The pen is either here or there..
Use it Constructively..
 So, a group platform is formed and everyone is on board. There is so much excitement and enthusiasm.
 Everyone is contributing their own opinions, suggestions and ideas, it's a smooth sail, then suddenly!
 There is a friction.
Conversations are reduced to almost Zero!
 Group members become passive!
Everyone is wondering...'What is wrong?'. It could be any of these reasons:

 √The admin(s) has not been living up to  responsibility.

√Division in the group I.e cliques are being formed and everyone is not being carried along.

√The mandate of the group is not being given emphasis.

√No follow up of members of the group.

Apart from other personal reasons, these are the Obvious reasons a group Chat can crash!

PATIENCE IS A SCOOL .. admission is free, graduation is optional. Choose wisely!
...E PLUS The Storyteller.

For your online Creative Writing skills, Visual Arts communication, Blogging and Storytelling Program, call, text or send a WhatsApp message to 07081536821, 08088534380.
You also get a free Audio story by E PLUS The Storyteller after registration.
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and all the Audio-Visual Stories by E PLUS the Storyteller.
You also get a bonus Audio-Visual story when you get any two stories by E PLUS the Storyteller.

Contact: 07081536821, 08028489362.


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