"Don't worry! If you can't do it, I understand." Mr Desmond said hastily. "Uncle, not that I don't want to help oo but time is fast spent and my mother will be angry that I returned late." Onome quickly said. "The cloths are not that many nau.." Her uncle said. Onome thought for a while. "Okay, Uncle, Let me see the cloths." Onome said curiously. "Okay..come this way." Onome's uncle responded as he beckoned on her to follow him. Onome followed her uncle and they got to a very big balcony. Onome could see a big basin of white shirts and singlets. "Here they are, you can see that they are not so dirty after all." Mr Desmond said. Onome thought to herself that she could hurriedly wash them and head for home immediately.


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